Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time

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"Last time I checked, you're a virgin too," Kirishima wasted no time on replying. "Unless you've done the deed but I highly doubt it."

The blonde had opened his mouth to try and pull himself out the grave he had dug but upon looking forward he stopped dead in his tracks and noticed Mina had stopped as well. Kirishima, bless his soul, had kept walking forward for Riot had been pulling him forward but just before he ran into the obstacle before him Kaminari tugged him backwards by his shirt.

"Bro, what the fuck?" he asked. No one answered him. Kirishima could hear the hustle and bustle of the students around him but neither of his friends seemed to be present. Had they walked off? Was it someone else who had tugged on his shirt as a joke? He wouldn't be surprised.

"Kirishima?" a deep voice asked. Deep... familiar.

"Him," Kaminari said almost instantly and gave his redheaded friend a small nudge forward. Kirishima turned his head to the side to glare at his friend, only he felt a hands cup his cheeks and turn him the other way. He flushed at the mistake. More so because it was made in front of a stranger.

Oh... the voice. It hit him as to who it belonged to. The boy from yesterday, the one who wandered into his class by accident. The new kid.

His face heated up more at the realization. He just made a fool himself in front of the new kid. First impressions are everything and he was certain that he just made a terrible first impression.

Shit shit shit shit. Shit. Fuck. Oh fuck.

"Uh... yeah?" Uh, yeah? That's all you could say dumbass?

"We need to talk. Now. Alone."


"About what?"

"Dude," Kaminari whispered, "he left. He's headed towards the door that goes to the bus loop."

Kirishima nodded and gave Riot the command to start moving forward. Mina walked with him until he reached the door, taking off for her first class of the day after she let her friend free. He was nervous. He was going to be alone with the guy who was a giant asshole, though he wasn't sure because Kaminari told him and the blonde never really got his information from credible sources (mainly the bratty girls who needed gossip to service, true or not).

The two ended up behind the school, still near the bus loop yet they were tucked away. Just out of earshot in case anyone wanted to try and listen in on their conversation.

It was freezing outside. The January air nipped at Kirishima's exposed skin, the heat that had warmed his face earlier had faded away. Thankfully the fur in his red crocs kept his feet warm and dry. But that didn't matter for the thin t-shirt and sweats he had on were doing very little to keep the rest of his body from freezing. If he had known beforehand that he was going to be dragged outside he would have thrown on his heavy coat and beanie that were both back at his locker.

He didn't understand why they couldn't just talk inside, where it was warm and near others just in case shit were to go downhill, like normal people. He also didn't want to be late to class; his teacher would have it out for him if he were. That would be a shit show. A huge fucking shit show that he had no energy for.

Riot stopped walking and Kirishima followed. He could feel the handle of the harness shifting as his dog plopped down in the snow. The cold probably felt good against his thick coat of fur that gave him the feeling of being in hell during the warmer months of the year or when he was indoors, Kirishima was sure of it. And that was pretty much the only reason why Kirishima didn't bother complaining about how it felt like the cold was eating away at his arms and face.

The Universe Listened | KiribakuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon