He pulled the back door open, letting me go inside. "He means well" I said, speaking of Brody.

"How long have you two been a couple? It's obvious he really cares about you."

"Oh, no" I laughed, shaking my head "we're not together."

The look on his face told me he clearly didn't believe me.

"He's my step-brother" I stated.


            Setting my things down on the kitchen counter, I began searching through the cabinets and fridge for food. There wasn't much, but that's never really been a problem.

"The caretaker is on vacation, won't be back till December" Calum informed me.

"That's a long vacation" I mumbled.

"Well, he's old so I think he's just hoping he'll die in a nice sunny villa or something" he shrugged with a smirk.

"Death by poolside...sounds nice" I teased.

He laughed, a genuine laugh, warm and inviting. I liked it.

"So...where exactly are you from...you four obviously haven't been living in Oregon that long" I inquired.

"Australia" he answered.

"Australian werewolves...I didn't expect you to be so..." I mumbled, looking him over.

"Tall?" he suggested.

"Hairless" I replied with a teasing grin.

When he realized I was joking, he smirked and chuckled softly.

"You should see Ashton's arms...he's like a walking hairball."

I giggled, a legitimate giggle that caused Calum to look up at me and smile wider.

            There was a thud from upstairs and the sudden sound of running. I guess the boys were actually inside. What were they doing upstairs? A loud yowl bounced off the walls followed by human growling. They came bounding down the stairs but not before Atticus managed to run and jump into my arms.


"You have a cat?" Calum swallowed, staring intently at the black feline in my arms.

"Yeah, he usually just stays near my stuff, something must have scared him."

"Luke! Stop it!" Ashton snapped, grabbing onto Luke's arm and yanking him back before he could make it halfway into the kitchen.

The tallest blonde by had a hard glare set in his features, his eyes a glowing sapphire rather than the pale blue-grey of his human self.

"Luke" Calum snapped.

            I saw the power he actually had for my own eyes. Almost instantly Luke backed up, still tense, but immediately stopped growling like an animal. I stroked Atticus' fur, shushing him quietly, feeling how tense he was. His green eyes never left Luke as the boys pulled him out of the kitchen.

"I'm sorry...he doesn't do well with cats."

"Don't apologize" I told him "I understand."

He grinned wearily.

"I'll just put him...upstairs and shut the door, he'll be fine" I shrugged, carrying my cat out of the kitchen.

            I spotted the other boys sitting in the living room, talking quietly. Ashton and Luke glanced at me before returning to their conversation, but Michael...Michael watched me with a dark gaze. His aura shifted from the bright vibrant red of a powerful wolf to the darkest red of anger. His lips pulled back in a silent snarl. I didn't feel safe under his gaze and quickly hurried upstairs, setting Atticus in my bedroom and shutting the door. Keeping my head down, I returned to the kitchen to see Calum flipping through my Grimiore.

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