"hey bella whats wring with you?" torey asked thats when I realized that I was pissed as hell all I could think about was him how he broke up with me how he dumped me for a little skinny hoe that pretty much screwed evey fucking guy that was in our graduating class.

"hey bella look at me whats wrong?"torey asked really concerned

"oh do you remember robbie?"I asked trying to calm myself but was just to fucking hard they both looked like they lived in an shelter home with shitty clothes that they probably found in the trash can near by.

"um I think you talked about him a few times and maybe I only met him once"she says

"well he cheated on me with a hoe named Rachael and there here right over there" I say glancing over to them hoping they wouldn't notice me but turns out they both did.

"wait he did you never told me this wait how and when?"she ask

"well it was a few years ago right before our graduation I was looking for him every where cause it was time to start the graduation and I found them fucking behind the lockers in the way way back of the stage.

"damn really should I say anything?"tyler said

"no just don't say anything they look like they are in a hard time anyways I dont want him to feel like he made a mistake even though he did but hikes that niggah looking like a bum anyways"i say as the waiter came with our drinks.

"okay well hopefully they dont sit by us wait what do they look like I'm not looking it'll be to obvious"tyler said

"just wait oh shit, their coming this way stay chill"i say checking my instagram

"hello miss?"the waiter started

"suede"i say

"okay miss suede I see that these people know you they ask to join you"she said pointing to the basterd souls that stand before us.

"well I dont recognize any of them you must be mistaken for another person so if you will please we would like to order"i ask setting down my menu

"well you guys can sit over there or you can leave, okay what will it be?"said the waitress pulling out a pen and paper. we gave her our orders and with the that she left leaving us alone with Robbie and Rachael.

"what the fuck so we dont know each other?"robbie finally spoke

"um actually I dont after you wanna go a cheat on me with this tramp. what are you doing here anyways? do you even have money?"I ask looking up fromy phone

"tramp?"Rachael spoke.

"um isn't that what I just said wait why am I even talking to you? can you guys just go away I dont want to see you guy"i say and take a sip of my cold pepsi

"no because it just pisses you off so bella how you been? damn you look fucking good and those tattoos where did you get them at?"robbie says

"why would you care and excuse me I have a job I own my job and I got them done at a fucking tattoo shop where else"i say

"oh please the longest ive ever seen you work was at wendys and you got fired within a week" he says

"can you just like shut up we are trying to fucming eat here so go or I'll have to kick the living shit out of you" tyler says

"oh what you gonna get your body gard on me is that how this works now ?" robbie says

"actually hes not my body gard hes my cousins boyfriend and my best friends cousin so you better do as he says I've seen him fight you dont want to get into the middle of that"i say

"oh please"he argues back

"hi ah can you please kick them out or something they are ruining my night and I'm not very pleased"i ask the waitress lady

"yeah okay can you guy's leave?"she ask

"um no?"robbie says as he sits back

"okay never mind we will just be going then can I get the check"i ask

"yes of course sorry about the I should have never brought them over here"she says as she salk to the cash register

"what why?, im hungry"torey says

"its okay torey I can make yoi something when I get home or we can go to a different one thats open"i say

"okay but can I drive?"she ask

"yeah here"i say as I give her my keys

"awww look they are leaving cause we are annoying them I guess we're doing our jobs" Rachael giggles I pay for the drinks and we leave followed by the annoying peasants from inside dennys.

"so where we going?"robbie says

"first of all bitch I'm tired of you all ready can you just go back to your fucking bummy ass bridge where you fucking came from and take your fucking bitch with you that'd be nice I say as torey gets in the car.

"ahah you thought you'd get rid of us that easily?"robbie says thats when I lost it I slaped him right in the face and walked away he just stood there in shock not moving at all just a shock expression across his face. I jumped in the car and we drove away.

"holy fucking god that felt so good I was so close to beating the shit out of him but I settled for a slap instead"i say as I relax a little once we finally got on the road we rode around for a while untill we found another dennys we walked in but this time there where actually people at least  seven other people and two waiters. we sat down and got every thing that we had orderd at the last one finally we got done and where so full that I probably gained like ten pounds. we took some of our left overs to go untill tyler spotted something really ironic.

"look there"he said pointing to machine to the back it was an old pin ball game next to it was a pack man game and the one after that was a game you could get stuffed animals out of tyler ended up going to the machine with toys while torey watched him and I played pack man. we plaid for what seem like a long time I all most beat the high score untill my hands started cramping so I quit but tyler on the other hand was winning stuffed animals like it was his job he had at least nine which I know one of them would be mine whether I'd steal it from him I was really diggin the duck one but I liked the turtle and the frog ones. finally he was done and he grabed the stuffed animals I managed to grab the turtle and the frog one. he gave all of them to torey but he held them for her. he stuffed them in the back and we finally drove back to my house.

"well this was a fun little trip"tyler said as

"yeah it was"torey said I was to tired to even respond soon I was out like a light.

*my question for this chapter*

"how old are you guys?"

(I'm fifteen.)

find your light in a new dawn ( andy fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now