Chapter Six: A Strong Return.

Start from the beginning

Ozpin: "Because (Y/n) Valkyrie has overcome his grief and rage, one must never let a lost overcome him or her, because in life you will go through tragity and experience all types of pains but should one let themselves embrace it and feel it, it will make them more powerful than they've ever imagined, because Hope is the most strongest power anyone can have, so please think about it Oscar, I may not be as strong or powerful than  Thor but even you can reach greatness, greatness in knowing that when the world needed help, you just like (Y/n) reached out your hand." He said.

Oscar: "You speak pretty highly of him, was he that good?" I asked him.

Ozpin: "Not because he is powerful or strong, but because he worked hard and made himself that strong, you see the only family he ever had was his sister, for a time it was the two of them against the world, struggling to survive, but for each other they survived and got better." He told me.

Oscar: "Wow...he must be the greatest." I said actually sounding inspired.

Ozpin: "He's not perfect, that's for sure, but he always claimed he was going to be the Huntsmen extraordinaire, and as the headmaster of Beacon, I can wholeheartedly say he didn't earn that title just by being strong but rather he put his effort to grab that title." He told me.

Oscar's aunt: "Oscar! Suppertime! I better see clean hands!" My aunt shouted.

Oscar: "Look just...give me some time, I'll think about it." I told him.

Ozpin: "please decide soon." He said as I heard a whoosh noise meaning he left, for now.

(Y/n) Valkyrie...What is your motivation? I thought to myself.

Weiss' POV:

After the incident in the charity ball my father took me to my room and was very very angry with me.

Jacques: "Unbelievable! Absolutely unbelievable!" He said pacing back and forth, all I did was sigh.

Jacques: "Really!? Your sighing! Do you have any idea how much your little stunt cost us!?" He shouted.

Weiss: "I-"

Jacques: "And don't think I'm just talking about lien here!! Our reputation..our..our!" He shouted even more angrier as he sighed exhaustedly.

Weiss: "I want to leave." I said.

Jacques: "I beg your pardon?" He said.

Weiss: "I said I want to leave, I don't want to stay here anymore, I dont want to stay in Atlas anymore." I got the courage to say.

Jacques: "Young lady, I don't give a damn about what you want! This isn't about You! It's about the Schnee family name and your apparent insistence on dragging it through the mud!" He shouted as the made me angry.

Weiss: "I've have done nothing but fight to uphold the honor of my family name! A name you married into!" I shouted as suddenly he slapped in the face, it hurt but for some reason I remembered when he slapped (Y/n), and my anger grew even more.

Jacques: "This behavior of your is incredibly disappointing, you couldn't possibly understand the lengths I've gone through in order to keep this family where it is, if you think running off like your sister is going to make the Schnee name stronger, then you are so wrong, siding with her only divides us." He said as I looked him in the eyes sternly.

Weiss: "I'm not siding with anyone, I'm doing what I feel is right and that does not include wasting my time here with these clueless people of Atlas, the Schnee legacy isn't yours to leave, it's mine, and I'll do it as a Huntress." I said as he walked away and then stopped.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.4Where stories live. Discover now