2. What can I do against haters on Wattpad?

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2. What can I do against haters on Wattpad?

First of all you should know that the hater is wrong. If he calls you fat, ugly or stupid than there is nothing true about it!

You aren’t fat just because you don’t wear size XS!

You aren’t stupid just because you don’t write straight A’s!

You aren’t ugly just because you aren’t a fucking VS Model!

Everyone sees this things different. Don’t be sad because ONE hater on Wattpad calls you like that. You should rather believe in the rest of the Wattpad-Family or your friends who know the real you.

The next step is contacting an account that is against haters like mine. Through that more people will know about the hater and believe me ALL of them will help you :)

Another important step is that you go on the hater’s profile and click on the ‚ignore‘ button on the right side. So he won’t be able to message and annoy you.

Don’t show weakness. I know it’s hard but it’s worth it. The hater will lose the interest in bullying you if you don’t react.

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