1. What are haters?

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1. What are haters?

Haters envy you. They see how you can do something they can’t and they envy you for that. They don’t want you to be happy about your talent.

Haters try to make their lifes better by offending you.

Some haters are just bored because they don’t have any friends or hobbys. They spend their time by insulting others. They start discussions and spam you with messages where they write how „useless“, „ugly“ or whatever you are. But you aren’t!

Then there are haters who only want attention. They don’t care how you feel. They just want people to talk about them.

The minority of the haters are people who easily don’t like their victim. This seems okay because you can’t like everyone and you can’t be liked by everybody either. The only thing wrong about this group of haters is the way they talk to you.

Why can’t they just ignore you if they don’t like you? Why can’t they let you live your own life?

This questions will never be answered. For the most human beings haters are just a waste of time, insulting, unnormal and wrong.

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