My book about Haters - english version

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My book about Haters – english version

Hi :)

As my account is against every kind of hater I thought that I could write a bit about this topic.

Normally writing is something I don’t like at all but if there is the chance that I can help with it than it’s totally worth it.

If you already have experience with bullying and if you want to share your story you can message me and I’ll put it in this book (I won’t mention your name unless you want me to).

In my opinion it’s important to bring some personal examples so people who have similar problems can see how others handled it.

I’m really sorry for my bad english but as I’m german I only learned it in school.

Love, NoPlaceForHate ♥

My book about Haters - english versionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ