Escape Plan

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It was now two years later, and I was 15 years old. With Capper, Red, and Billy's help, I learned to be more mellow and forgiving. Billy said it would be better to be forgiving than to die holding a grudge. Holding a grudge will turn anyone bitter.  Including me.

Anyway, I was hanging out with Capper at the exercising yard. Red then walked in. "Hey Red," I said. Once I hit my adolescence, my voice was no longer squeaky but more masculine. I was beginning to sound like a grown stallion. "What's up guys," said Red, "guess who's assigned to do laundry this week?"

"Who?" Capper asked curiously. "It's Billy!" Red said excitedly. "Well that's nice," I said. Capper then gave that look he gave whenever he had a bright idea. "I think I got an idea," he said. "What's that?" I asked. "Garrett, we could sneak out of our cells," said Capper, "and then hide in the laundry. Billy can transfer us out of the prison, and then we'll be free." I smiled, liking this plan.

"That's brilliant Capper," I said. "Once you two are gone, I'll throw Billy out of here," promised Red, "even at my old age and disfigured eye, I still got a good throwing arm. Once he's out, I'm gonna destroy this prison. I have the power, and I think it's time I did it." I fist pumped Red and said, "My man!"

"Well then, it's settled," confirmed Capper, "we escape tonight." We all nodded, keeping that promise.

It was now nighttime, and the lights were out. We used our uniforms and pillows to make it look like we were sleeping on the bed. Capper used his claws to pick at the lock. He managed to unlock our cell open. We then got out quietly, and quietly closed the gate. We then quietly snuck to the laundry room. Billy was right there waiting for us. "There you two are," whispered Billy, "quickly, get in the baskets." We got in, and Billy covered us with the dirty laundry. "Thank you for everything Billy," I said. "No problem," he replied, "good luck to both of you." We were then dumped down the chute. Where we'd go, I don't know...

Sunset's Long Lost Brother (A Prequel to A Sunset's Last Sunset)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن