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8th Grade:}
Boy: I Really Like You; Will You Please Go Out With Me...?
Girl: Yes.
Boy: What?!?
Girl: Yes.
Boy: YES!
*Girl Starts To Fall For The Boy*
*Exactly One Month Later*
Girl's friend: I Think It's Time You Two Broke Up.!
Girl: Okay..{Secretly Doesn't Want To But Is Too Afraid Her Friend Will Hate Her If She Says No.}

Boy: Hey.
Girl: Hi.
Boy: How's it going?
Girl: It's fine.
Boy: What's wrong?
Girl: I think we should break up..
Boy: What..?
Girl: We should break up.
Boy: Why..?
Girl: It's Just... We Never See Each Other Anymore/:
Boy: I can change that.
Girl: I've never met your family..
Boy: I can change that.
Girl: I just don't feel that way for you anymore..
Boy: I wish I could change that.
Girl: I'm sorry.
Boy: I know.
Girl: I Have To Go..
Boy: Thanks for trying..

{Next day:}
Boy: Hey.
Girl: I'm sorry..
Boy: No I'm happy we broke up I could tell we weren't going anywhere too.
Girl: Okay.../;

{Freshman year:}

Girl: (Playing their song) I like him.I have since we first started dating,but I can't tell him;I can't tell anybody.

{Sophomore year:}

Boy: (Has A New Girlfriend)
Girl: (Playing their song) I like him...I still do...but I can't tell him,I can't tell anybody.

{Junior year:}

Boy: (Him And His Girlfriend Break Upp)
Girl: I Like You. I Always Have -&&- Always Will!
Boy: I'm Sorry, I Like Someone Else.
Girl: (Runs Away Cryingg.)

{The next day:}
Boy: (Finds a note in his locker)

Note: I Told You I Like You, But I Was Wrong. I Meant I Love You; But You Don't Love Me. I Wish I Could Change That. I'm Sorry For That Day Back In 8th Grade. I Really Didn't Want To. I'm Gone Now, I've Been Sick For A While Now.. By The Time You Read This I'll Be In The Hospital On Life Support. I Just Needed To Tell You Before I'm one. I Love You♥ Don't Forget That!!(:

Boy: (Stares At The Paper For A Long Time And Runs Down The Hall, He Went To Her House, But She Wasn't Home.)

{The next day:}
Boy: (Goes To The Hospital And Tells The Nurse Who He Wants To See)
Nurse: It seems she checked out yesterday.
Boy: She's better?
Nurse: I'm afraid not. She had cancer and she passed away yesterday. I'm sorry.
Boy: (stares at the floor, he runs out the door and down the street)

{The Next Day, At Her Funeral!)
Boy: (Asks to speak)
Boy: A Few Days Ago I Received A Note From Her. (He Reads The Note) And I Wanted To Tell Her Before She Left That I Loved Her, I Love Her. I Loved Her For A Long Time; And There Is Nothing I Can Do Now.! -Nothing-
All I Can Say Is I Love You, And Now Your Gone.... I Wish I Could Change That.!
Boy: (Starts Crying And So Does Everyone Else.)
The Boy Ends Up Marrying Her Friend Who Told Her To Break Up With Him In The First Place. When He Found Out What She Had Done, He Killed Himself; To Be With The Girl He Really Loves!♥ He Was 28.

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