Beautiful Meetings - 1

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Growing up I was always in and out of Brandon Welts Hospital here in Peoria, Illinois. But not because I was sick. No, I'm perfectly freaking healthy thankfully. But my mother, Teresa Gaunt, is a Cardio surgeon. One of the best in the field which means she was always being paged for surgeries and consults. Making her missing out on a lot in my life but not once has it ever upset me. I love her and the work she did, she was like a real life super hero to me, it made me proud to call her my mom. 

One of the perks of being her son was that I got to explore the hospital without any issues. All of the doctors and nurses love me, especially the chief of surgery. She and my mom were like sisters so I grew up with her always there. With those two always spending their time at work and with their weird doctor drama I always roamed the halls to kill time. Making friends with the patients and helping nurses with small things that wouldn't get them in trouble seeing as I'm not a professional.

Just like I was doing right now.

 It's currently 7:32 pm and my mother has been in the O.R since 5, she was in the middle of a heart transplant on the patient Gary Williams, age 35. He's been on the donor waiting list for about a year and a half, yesterday they received a call saying they had a match waiting for him just two hours out of town. So he and his wife came as quickly as possible with tears of joy.

Jesus now I sound like one of the interns.

I signed and look at the nurse next to me who was a close friend, Micheal Yems. I met him when he first started working here 2 years ago. He's surprisingly young for a nurse. At the ripe age of 20 he received his nursing degree and came to work here. He was yummy looking as well. He had short black hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin, and a rockin body but he didn't bat for my team sadly.

At the moment he was reading through charts and I groaned. When he didn't make a reaction I groaned even louder. The bastard still ignored me. With an innocent look on my face I grabbed my water that sat in front of me and took a nice loud and slow slurp, which seems to grab his attention.

"JESUS! Shaylen, dude, really? I'm working right now." He huffed in annoyance and gave me a deadpan stare which I decided to return.

"You're always working loser. I'm bored and need entertainment. My mom won't be out of the O.R for awhile. And I graduated last week so it's not like I need to be home preparing for school the next day. Soooo... Got anything good?" I make a grab for one of charts he had and he smacked it away while giving me an 'are you stupid' look which made me pout.

"Nuh uh, you know better than going through those kid. Doctors and nurses only." Micheal tisked and I rolled my eyes. "Buuut I do need help with a few things if you're willing."

With that I immediately shot out of my seat with a huge grin on my face. He rolled his eyes and stood as well, grabbing a chart from a doctor who walked by with a smile. Micheal nodded at him and flipped through it with a sigh. He started walking towards the North wing of the hospital and I followed, greeting the staff and patients along the way.

After a few moments we reached the halls that held patients with cancer. I stiffened slightly as we walked passed the rooms. This was the one place I was never comfortable to walk through alone. We lost my father to Prostate Cancer when I was 8, that was 10 years ago. Ever since then I made sure to never really come around here. The memory of losing him was always like a fresh cut being kept open.

 I fiddled with the sleeves of my crew neck as we kept going until we reached a room at the very end of the hall. I went to the handle to open the door but before we entered the room Micheal pulled me aside and gave me a stern look. 

"Ok Shay, here's whats going on. The patients name is Noel Mayner, he's 19 years old and just last week he was diagnosed with stage 2 NHL - Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. It was thankfully caught at an early stage but his family definitely did not take it well, as you could understand. Surprisingly he was completely calm about it. It was an unexpected reaction but at least he's being strong." I let out a slight shaken sigh and nodded at him to continue.

"I think it would be a good idea for you to befriend him." I gave him a look and he sighed. Micheal knows what happened to my father and he knew I purposely avoided coming around here for that reason. I shook my head and turned to walk away but he grabbed a hold of my shoulders and pulled me back to him.

 "Look Shaylen, he's going to be spending a bit of time here and I'm sure he could really use a friend. Noel came all the way from North Carolina so he has no one here for him but his parents. Even then we were told they constantly travel for work and they can't always be by his side. And I love you dude, you're my best bud but I'm working. I'm a nurse so I'm always working and I can't really hang much when doing so. This would be a great chance for you to make a new friend."

"I don't know about this Mikey, besides I don't always bother you or others. I do lots of volunteer work here!" I huffed and crossed my arms. "There's not much I can do for this kid anyway. Does my mother know what you're up to?"

"Trust me when I say your mother was the one who suggested this. She came to me the day this guy arrived and literally pounded me with the demands to get you to be friends with him. Honestly, I can understand why." He said with a smirk and I groaned. "Please Shay! I promise you most definitely won't regret this! In fact I think you be thanking me for this later on."

"Alright, alright! Jeez just introduce me to him." Micheal gave me his signature bright smile and turned to open the door. At the sound of the door said boy turned around from the pile of clothes being folded on the bed.

When I laid eyes on him I took in a quick breath of air. Dear lord he was right, a thank you was definitely in order for later.

Noel Mayner was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. His skin was a light caramel color that radiated a beautiful natural shine. He had natural curly dirty blonde hair that bounced at his shoulders. Freckles lightly dusted over the bridge of his small button nose and his rosy cheek. He had long lashes that adorned those big dopey blue eyes that captured your heart and his lips were plumped with a dark pink shade. Don't even get me started on his slender body and nicely plump ass. Was it to early for me to say I was in love?

Looking at him made me feel like I was in a dream. Someone as beautiful as him just didn't exist, there's just no way. Those kinds of people only existed on Tumblr. He's someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to grow old and have a family with a million babies with him. I would rob a bank if he wanted me to. If he asked I would get on my knees right now an-

"Earth to Shaylen!" I shook out of my trance and blushed hard as the angel in front of me. "Wipe the drool from your mouth and come properly introduce yourself. I have to go and meet up with the Chief for a surgery coming up within an hour." Mikey said with a grin and leaned in towards my ear. "You're welcome." With that he left, shutting the door behind him.

I looked back at the angel and he gave me a soft smile. It made me weak at the knees and my heart started to race beyond reason. 

Noel looked around for a moment before walking up to me. "Um h-"

"You're beautiful." I blurted before covering my mouth as a blush rooted itself deeply on my face.

He let out a small laugh that made my heart quiver with happiness. "Nice to meet you too."



The hospital listed above isn't real. I made it up. Hope everyone enjoys the first chapter. I'm not to sure on how well this chapter is but let me know !! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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