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Jack was walking in the Order Hall at midnight, getting used to their new rooms and the place. He was still in shock.

They chose us...

He smiled despite himself. They chose him and his friends. They were exhausted from the celebration of a new generation of heroes, but Jack hadn't stayed.

About halfway through, he left, feeling off.

Now, as he traversed the hallways, he felt it again, and it was unsettling.

He stopped. He wasn't alone.

"Did you miss me?"

Jack whipped around.


The doppelganger smiled. "You remember. How sweet."

"What do you want?"

"Just to visit my enemy."


Nightmare's smile grew wider; he looked exactly like he did when he was taken out of Jack.

"I've existed the same amount of time you have. I know what I'm doing. And I will take you down."

Jack drew his sword.

"If you're taking them down, you have to get through me."

"Oh, I will. In time."

Black enveloped Nightmare, and he was gone.

Jack blinked twice before rushing to tell the others.

"One Year Later"

Here it is!  The prologue has officially been released and I couldn't be more excited!

oh, wait.  I was when I released A New Generation XD


The Dragonhearted (Sequel to A New Generation)Where stories live. Discover now