"If you can catch me!" I sighed. He looked so damn good running away like that. Shirt off, muscles rippling. YUM 


Edward and Bella lounged in the little opening in front of their cottage as Jacob raced in followed not as closely as expected by Nessie.  

"Did you two go hunting?" Bella asked not knowing what their minds were thinking like Edward did.  

Jacob answered, but only because Nessie was trying to avoid her father's gaze. She knew only too well that he knew about how she felt towards Jacob and it would only be a matter of time before he would corner her himself or tell her mom. She couldn't decide which one was worse. Her dad which would be over protective and tell her she had all the time in the world (since she too would stop aging when she reached adulthood) to have that kind of relationship with Jacob. Her mom on the other hand could go either way, and that uncertainty frightened her, she was never able to read her mom. No one could, not ever her dad and he could hear everyone's thoughts. Finally he caught her gaze and she knew she had to talk to him. 

"Bella sweetie. I was thinking of going into town to get some camping gear for our hunting trip up north where the grizzly bear population is bad. Did you need anything while I am in town? Nessie would you like to join me?" 

Bella gave Edward a weird glance. They never left each others' side. But she left it alone. She would find out eventually.  

"Yea sure daddy...can Jacob come?" Jacob looked up excitedly. He had been staring up into the cloudy sky, but he loved being with Nessie, his life revolved around her and her his. Of course she knew that Edward was going to say no, but she had to make him put up a fight to talk to her at least. She was no more willing to talk about this than he was and she wasn't quite sure what to say anyway. He knew what she was thinking.  

"Well I thought we could use this time to teach you how to drive. You are pushing 16...well sort of." Nessie was a normal human in that her body would grow until full adulthood, she was a normal vampire in that she would stop aging at adulthood and for some unbeknown reason she was going to reach full growth (mentally , emotionally and physically) at ten years of age. Right now she was around year 7 which put her roughly at 16 physically.  

"Okay then daddy." And with a wink she added. "Sorry Jakey. Ill beat you at chess when I get back." 

Nessie thought to herself. Where did that come from?! Shocked, excited, and a little nervous from the idea of winking she climbed in behind the steering wheel. As Edward eased himself into the passenger side of the indestructible foreign made car he explained to Nessie, "Okay so first your put on your seat belt. Then check your mirrors."  

"I get it dad. I have only seen you speed down the road a million and one times." A small growl was heard from behind the cluster of trees where the cottage was nestled. Edward replied with a smooth and quiet voice, "Jacob you know I would never endanger MY baby girl" There was definitely an emphasis on My.  

They were a couple miles out before Edward said anything besides "shift it into drive" and "don't forget your blinker."  

"So Nessie, you want to talk?" His smooth voice could have anyone talking, but it wasn't like he couldn't read your thoughts anyway.  

"You already know everything dad. It's there in my head. You know exactly how confused I feel. It's only a matter of time before Aunt Alice comes to me all giddy about having my first kiss before I even have it." I could hear the dread and sarcasm dripping from my voice.  

"Yes true. I see it as cloudy as you do. That's what worries me. Usually you know what you want just like your mother and nothing can persuade you otherwise. It doesn't help that Jacob will do anything to make you happy; I can't even threaten his life to make sure he respects my wishes because if you asked him he would happily sacrifice his life. Then I am left with a miserable daughter. Your mom and I got really lucky not having a spoiled brat even though you can snap your fingers and we would all jump. Why are you so confused?" 

Nessie and Jacob-Through Morning FogDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu