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MADELINE WAS RUDELY AWAKENED by Merlin's screeches reverberating through the room from his perch behind the thin glass window

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MADELINE WAS RUDELY AWAKENED by Merlin's screeches reverberating through the room from his perch behind the thin glass window.

Reluctantly sitting up, she pulled the window open so Merlin could get to his cage, "It's almost time to go, Mer. Get in your cage, please."

Merlin flew into the room and landed on Madeline's desk chair, against Madeline's orders. Of course she would unwittingly choose the most stubborn and temperamental breed of owl there is. If Merlin wasn't running into inanimate objects out of clumsiness, he was being the sassiest owl known to man.

Facepalming, Madeline's only thought was that it was too early for this. Unwillingly escaping the heat of her blankets, Madeline walked over to where she stored Merlin's biscuits. She waved a singular biscuit in front of the owl, catching his attention. At this, Merlin perked his head up, his big, round, glowing eyes following the biscuit's every movement.

Walking over to his cage, she set the biscuit down at the bottom of it and waited. In a split second, Merlin had flown into his cage and retrieved his treat. Acting quickly, Madeline shut the cage door and giggled in contentedness, "I got you this time, huh Mer?"

Merlin let out a small squawk, letting her know he was upset with her, "Oh no, don't get mad at me. You're the one that refuses to do anything I say, huh?"

Merlin tilted his head to the side in rage, letting Madeline know just how upset he was with her at the moment.

"Ugh," Madeline let out a sound of annoyance as she walked over to where she stored Merlin's biscuits for, hopefully, the last time, "You are so lucky I love you."

Setting the second biscuit into Merlin's beak from in between the small iron bars, Merlin dropped his attitude and was back to the happy, clumsy Merlin Madeline knew and loved.

Latching up her trunk, Madeline rolled it down the stairs, suddenly wishing she was of age to do magic outside of Hogwarts grounds. Quickly running back up the steps to grab Merlin's cage before he threw a temper tantrum, she grabbed the holding loop at the top of the cage and scurried back downstairs to set the cage neatly atop her massive trunk after she made a quick wardrobe change out of her pajamas.

When she was satisfied with the placement of her traveling items, she made her way into the kitchen, which was filled to the brim with laughter.

Kicking open the swinging door that separated the foyer from the kitchen area, she saw the Diggory's and the other Scamander's sitting at the kitchenette table.

Nearly screeching with delight, Madeline made her way to her cousin Rolf, who opened his arms for a hug the moment he locked eyes with her, "Merlin, I've miss you, R."

Though Rolf was two years younger than Madeline, he was four inches taller than the rather short five foot, three inch girl. Rolf laughed, "Have you gotten shorter?"

"I think you've just gotten unbelievably tall," Madeline rolled her eyes, "Honestly you're only thirteen, how are you already so tall?"

"Well, you see," Rolf began, "People have a tendency to grow, especially during puberty."

"Ew, way too much information," Madeline scrunched her nose up and pushed Rolf away from her lightly.

"What? No hug for me?" Cedric asked, spreading his arms and awaiting a hug from his favorite rising fourth year.

"Oh, don't be silly," Madeline walked over to Cedric and embraced him. Perhaps they stayed there for a moment too long because Amos Diggory made knowing eye contact with the Scamander's, "Of course there's a hug for you, Ced."

"Good," Cedric smiled into the shorter girl's hair.

Reluctantly pulling out of the hug, Madeline tried to suppress the heat that was trying to make its way to her rounded cheeks.

Noticing the huge feast of breakfast foods, Madeline knew her mother was to blame. Her mom was a muggle, and she grew up in a family that only made home cooked meals from scratch. It was just in her nature to entertain her guests and make sure they had more than their fair share of food to eat.

Pulling out an empty chair that was left in between Cedric and Rolf, she took her seat and pulled three of the shortcakes onto her empty plate. Grabbing some sausage, bacon, and fried eggs to accompany the pancakes, she then proceeded to pour syrup over everything that wasn't the eggs.

She finished her hefty breakfast within ten minutes of sitting down, partly because it tasted so good and partly because they were almost late to catch the train. Washing her hands free of any syrup at the sink, she made sure to give her mom and dad a kiss on the cheek and a hug, "Bye mom, bye dad. I love you guys!"

"Make sure you don't give the Diggory's any trouble!" Her dad yelled out as he watched his young daughter grab her trunk and owl cage, one foot out of the door already.

"And make sure to write twice a week!" Her mom yelled out, getting the same sinking feeling she gets in her stomach every time she watches her daughter leave for months on end.

"I will!" Madeline responded, eager to get her trunk and cage in the boot of the Diggory's car. Merlin squawked at Badger, who was Cedric's Barn Owl, "Oh, hush Merlin."

Being the last one to have left the house, she was the last one in the backseat of the car. Making Cedric scoot to the right so she had a place to sit, she sat down on the cushiony seat and gently pulled the door to a close, making sure it locked into place properly.

Amos sat behind the driver's wheel and smiled back at the three best friends through the rearview mirror, having a feeling that this would be a good year for the trio.

The music that had been playing in the car from its radio was drowned out as the three friends talked about all they had done that summer as they were en route to King's Cross.

In that moment, everything was perfect.

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