Chapter 6

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It's time to go home but guess what? I don't have transport this place is far from my place. I can't ask Njabulo for help I mean after I cried my eyes off ruining his expensive suit he helped me clean up everything which took 2 hours. He must be tired. He seems sweet, I wonder if he's related to Mcebo if yes how? Mcebo is really cruel. Thinking about his words brings tears to my eyes. My family didn't even bother to stay and console me. Even though he's a stranger his rejection hurts like hell.

After packing the last box, I ask Njabulo to look after the boxes I need to use the bathroom. I'm still wearing my wedding gown so I need to go change. He just nods typing on his phone. I spend 10 minutes in the bathroom I need help with the zip and I can't exactly ask Njabulo now can I? I end up tearing the dress, I'll pay whatever fee. I put my long black dress and I can't help but think wearing black on my wedding day was not a very good idea. I fold the dress and walk to the hall and I see guys taking the boxes to some old car. I look around for Njabulo I spot him talking to one of the guys pointing me and other guys laugh. He must be telling them what happened. For some reason I don't even care.

Njabulo walks towards me and he introduces me to his friends. They are 3 of them, I'm too stressed to remember their names. Njabulo tells me they will drive me home. This is great, I didn’t know how to ask him. I mean I can't take 6 boxes at home using a taxi. Tomorrow morning I'm going to a car dealership, I can't go on like this. We get inside the car, I must've zoned out because one of Njabulo's friends nudges me in the rib.

"Sorry, what?" I reply looking at Njabulo.

"Uhlala kephi" (Where do you stay?) he asks.

"Millpark" I tell him.

"Habe" they all say at the same time. Well I just said Millpark like it's just around the corner, and it's 2 hours drive from here. One of the guys is complaining telling Njabulo that he'll pay him the petrol money. He must be the owner of the car. I tell him I'll pay. Hell I can even pay him now. I must've fallen asleep I mean I woke up at 3am and for what to be left at the altar? Geez. I feel the wind blowing in my face, the worst way to be woken up ey.

When I open my eyes I see that we are in Auckland Park. Five minutes away from my apartment. Njabulo asks for the address or directions I’m to sleepy to give an answer I just mumble some rubbish and he smiles asking me the same question again, the other guys are too busy laughing. I give him the directions to the complex and go back to dream land. I need to sleep. I close my eyes to sleep and then I remember that I was supposed to go meet my inlaws or something at 5am I didn't go. It's okay to forget stuff right I mean it was my wedding day I had so much on my mind. Why didn't my sisters remind me though? We're here. I open the door to go out, and inform to the security guards that I'm with them. But before I step out bab' Mkhize one of the guards greets them.

"MaZwide how do you know these guys?" bab' Mkhize asks me smiling. Clearly they know each other I'm too sleepy to care or even ask how they know each other.

He lets us in, I walk to my apartment I'm too tired to even close the door so I use my foot to shut the door but it doesn't I hear heavy footsteps. Njabulo's friends walk in carrying boxes. Oh shit the decor and the dress I totally forgot about those. My stomach rumbles, I'm too tired to care or think about food. I tell them to feel at home. I go straight to bed and look at the time before I sleep. It's 12:15pm. I wake up 5 hours later I can't ignore the hunger any longer. I walk into the kitchen, there's note on the counter. Who leaves a note in the 21st century? I take the note and read I can't help but smile.

We were hungry I made mince meat and rice, it's a quick and easy to make. I hope that's okay with you. I hope you enjoy the food. Here are my digits.


I quickly open the micro wave there's a plate. And there are no dirty dishes pheew at least they know that they need to clean up. I eat and wash the dish. I have nothing to do, I decide to call Bobo he's not picking up maybe he's busy. I save Njabulo's digits, I don't know if I should call or text him. If only Bobo was here, he'd know what to do. After 5 minutes of debating I decide to call him. He picks up after the 1st ring like he's been expecting a call from me.

"Hello" he answers, okay believe it or not I don't know what to say.


"Oh MaZwide, you're up" he replies.

"Yes, thank you so much for the food, it was delicious" I tell him. He goes on to tell me that he loves cooking. We chat a little longer and we hang up, I'm disappointed that he didn't bring the date thing again. But he felt sorry for me. Beep beep okay there's a text it's Njabulo.

Njabulo: Do you have plans for tomorrow? Pheew at least he doesn't shorten the words it's really frustrating given that I don't know what they mean I never had mxit.

I smile and reply: Yeah I do, but you can come along. I need someone's opinion by the way.

Mnquhe: When and what time?

Me: Can we meet at the complex?

Mnquhe: Yeah sure no problem. What time.

Me: 8am. Mnquhe: Cool see you then, I can't wait.

This is great at least I won't be going alone. I always imagined this differently, always thought my parents will be there you know but nope. I decide to call Bobo one more time.

"MaZwide" he replies after the second ring mimicking Njabulo. Bobo though. "Where have you been?" I ask smiling.

"We decided to go shopping seeing that Njabulo felt uncomfortable talking to you while we were there. Besides I'll be meeting Mel's parents this weekend. I need to look fly, apparently they want him to marry some girl nje" he tells me laughing

"Haw" I reply shocked "Do they know that he's gay" I ask.

"Yes sweetie they do. But they think it's an act" before I can reply I hear Mel from the background screaming and Bobo's phone goes off. Something is wrong I can feel it. I try to call Bobo he doesn't pick up. I don't have Mel's digits. I keep calling he doesn't pick. Gosh I'm worried sick I don't even know where they stay. I've known them for a week.

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