12.the rescue

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Avantika's pov
When I turned to go somebody hit me in my head and everything was blur .I don't know what happened after then .
I opened my eyes with great difficulty I found myself chained in a dark big room .I screamed at the top of my voice ,"who the hell are you ?What have I done to you ?Why aren't you coming in front of me ?You coward!!!!!!!"

Then I felt somebody coming towards me .I was unable to see his face as it was really dark .
He said ," Welcome Queen ,Welcome .What's your name ?oh yeah Avantika Right ?or khushi ? But you know what I don't give a damn about your identity .I just want you to be far away From Asr .My sister wants him so you have to ,have to be out of their lives .You got that? Saying that he pulled my hair hard and I cried out in pain .
Then he dialed a number and said " Delivery is Ready .No .It's high .Atleast 50 millions .She is a gem .You won't be disappointed by her .You mark my words .Even Asr is still behind her .Doesn't that prove her value ?" Saying that he began to laugh disgustingly .

But I didn't say anything .I didn't even request him to leave me .The only thing I managed to say was ,"Start to count your days Mr Aman Mathur .Cause I know my Asr is coming .You don't even know what he will do .You will beg to him for killing you But he will not have that little mercy on you ."

"Keep dreaming B****"he said.

Suddenly a guy entered there .
Aman became very furious to see him and said "what the ****!Didn't I tell you not to come inside!!!!!!!"
But the guy seemed to be scared and said "Boss a helicopter is about to land here. "

"What do you mean by that !"Aman barked .

Then I smirked and said ""Your dealth is knocking at the door .He has come .My Arnavji has come .I just knew it ."

"That means you are khushi !you gold digging bitch !you are still alive !" Saying that he started to beat me .Suddenly someone broke the door by kicking and entered there .My heart bit increased .I know Arnavji has come !

"Dare you touch her Mr Aman Mathur !!!!!! You don't know how painful your dealth will be .Wait wait .I have a surprise for you ."Saying that Asr pointed a gun straight in someone's head .I didnt know who the person was .Aman said "you won't dare Asr "
"But I just did dude ."Said Arnavji .

Finding no other way Aman threatened to kill me to stop Arnavji .But Arnavji didn't stop smirking .and said " Just take a look back Aman "
Aman turned and saw his men pointing guns at him .
Then Arnavji said ,"Shocked ?Are we ?Okay okay .Don't give pressure to this tiny brain of yours .I heard your fool sister calling you and you guys were really happy about something .I found no difficulty understanding the fact that you guys have kidnapped my WIFE .You already have created enough mess .It was not needed though .So I just called my pilot and flew over here .Oh yeah .Forgot to me .Do you know how did I got the location ?Actually the dress Avantika I mean khushi is wearing has a tracker .I had a bad feeling about your sister harming my khushi so I put a tracker in this sparkling dress .Khushi doesn't know that .And yeah in 10 seconds police will enter here and arrest you so you better TELL ME ABOUT MY SON YOU SON OF A B****!!!!!

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