Got bump into

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Finally it's recess time.The students rush to cafeteria as their stomach begging for food.

"Let's go,Arin ! My stomach is grumbling so badly." Said Mina while rubbing her tummy.

Yoojung already wait for us at the door.

I take out my lunch box and walk towards Yoojung with Mina beside me.Then we walk to cafeteria together.

On our way to cafeteria,we were chit-chatting when suddenly someone's bumped into me.

I fell on the ground and so with my lunch box.

"Ah ! Mianhae !" I look up.It's a guy.He's my classmate.I don't know his name but I know everyone called him sparrow.

Oh,don't get me wrong.Since I'm not a social butterfly,I often forgot everyone's names excpet my close friends.I barely know my own classmates faces and names.Just a few of them I memorize their faces.

"Yah ! Park Woojin ! Did you just bump into a girl ?" Another guy coming towards him.This guy,I called him bun cheeks because everytime he smile,it will shown his cheekbones.His cheeks are chubby.

He look at me and suddenly his face looks so shock.But he still looks cute.

So the sparrow's name is Park woojin ? Okay.

"Arin ? Oh ! I want to apologize from behalf of my friend." The bun cheeks guy said.I think bun cheeks is too long for me to called him.He has name though.I look at his nametag.Ah,Park Jihoon.Is he Park Woojin's sibling ? They have a same family name.Suddenly I curious.

I look at behind him.It looks like their friends came to us.And one of them is the guy that I met earlier.What is his name again ? Errmmm....Max ? Uhh.....Tim ? His name is in english.Maybe he's not from Korea.

I look at the english name guy.He just look at us while leaning against the wall and both of his hands in his pocket with no expression on his face.Looks like he's a cold guy.But he looks like a different person compare from earlier.

"Let me help you to stand up." Park Jihoon extend his hand to me.

I shake my head while smiling at him.

"Gwenchana,I can stand up by myself." Then I quickly stand up with my friends help me a little bit.

"Yah ! You don't have eyes ?! Are you blind ?! How can you bumped into Arin ?!" Yoojung angrily yell at Park Woojin.

"Mianhae ! I was walking backwards because I want to facing my friends while talking then suddenly I bumped into her.Mianhae...." Said Park Woojin apologitically.

"What kind of weird people that walking backwards ? What dimension are you from ? Sheesh...." Mina annoyingly said to him.

"I said I'm sorry ! Plus,I bumped into Arin but why did both of you girls are so overreacting ? Geez !" Park Woojin rolled his eyes at Mina and it made Mina so mad.I can tell it from her expression.

"YOU !! ---"

"Gwenchana...I'm alright..." I cut Mina's word for the sake of world peace.

"I'm really really really sorry,Arin." Then Park Woojin made a 'sorry' hand gesture.

I smile at him then I look at my lunch box.The food were spill on the floor.

"Ah....My food..." I pick up my food that I can't even eat it anymore because it's dirty.

"Ah ! I'm so sorry ! Let me buy you some food...." Said Park Woojin with his guilty expression plastered on his face.

"It's fine...." I gave him a small smile.

"Are you sure,Arin ? I can buy some food for you...." This time it's Park Jihoon that is talking.

"Nae....Gwenchana...I'm not really hungry by the way...." I shake my hands infront of me.

I faced Mina and Yoojung."You guys go to cafeteria without me.Since I won't eat,I will just be in class."

"Are you sure,Arin ?" They asked me worriedly.I just nod my head.

"I want to clean up this mess.Just go eat before recess time's end." I push them gently so they will move.

"O.....kay....Meet you later,Arin...." They said.

I get down to clean up the food.

"This is all your fault.Because of you Arin can't eat and not eating with us !" I heard Yoojung shout whispered to Park Woojin.

"What the....." That's the last thing I heard from Park Woojin before the boys and the girls left me alone,cleaning up the mess.

I clean up the food and threw it in a rubbish bin nearby.Then I go to the restroom to wash my lunch box.

After I've done washing my lunch box,I wash my hand and head to my classroom.As I arrived infront of my classroom,I found out that the classroom door is open.

Our homeroom teacher always said to us if we leave the classroom,we need to close the door so that there's no robbering case.

Maybe there is someone inside ? I thought.Then I entered the classroom.

Well,there's no one.Maybe they forgot to close the door before they left the classroom.

I head to my seat just to greet by a sandwich and strawberry milk on my desk.There's note with it too.

'Eat up,Arin !'

Well,that's what the note said.

I look at my left,then at my right,front and my back.Nobody's here.

Since the food are really were meant for me,so why not I just eat it.

I tear the sandwich wrapper and eat the chicken ham sandwich.Hmmph,delicious !

Then I open the strawberry milk bottle's lid and I drink it.Gulp ! Aah,strawberry.My favourite flavor in the world !

Thanks,well,whoever you are,I really appreciate it !

Little did she know that there is someone watching her eating the food from outside her classroom.


Sorry for the short chapter ! 🙏♡

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