"Heh!, don't let her hear that, she'll go crazy with happiness. I got my good looks from my dad" she said and winked. I love the way her relationship with her parents is. 

      "So uhm...I've been meaning to tell you this but it's really fine if you don't wanna come" She said and I gave her my full attention.

       "What's the matter?" I asked and she sighed, she seemed as though she was having an internal battle with herself and the thought of that made me very uneasy.

      "Uh, my mum would like for you to come to dinner with us tomorrow night" She said.

      "Oh Alright.?..wait, WHAT?!" I yelled when it finally sank in, the Queen wants me to come over to dinner at the Palace?, is that what she said?.

      "Y..you mean the Queen, like the real Queen who lives in the Palace and happens to be your mother wants me to come over for dinner, at the Palace?, with the king and the Queen?" I ranted with racing heart. This should be some sort of dream. It's too good and too scary to be true.

      "If I say yes, would it be a bad thing?" Royalty asked and I couldn't help but nod and shake my head at the same time. It would a badly good thing.

     "So are you gonna come?" She asked with hopeful eyes and I swallowed,I would be crazy, insane, derailed and mentally imbalance to refuse such awesome offer. Man!  

      "Yes yes yes!" I screamed jumping up and down like someone who was possessed with the spirit of restlessness.

      "Wow, that's a relief.  Thanks a lot" She said and I smiled, we talked for a long while and I was more than shocked to realize she was pregnant, I hugged her till she turned red but luckily she didn't mind. We kept on talking and trying clothes on till she left to talk to her husband when he called her. I could see the happiness on her face when his call came in and I badly wished for what she had.

        I walked out of the shower with my head wrapped in a towel but in reality, my head was wrapped in confusion. What do people wear to the Palace for a dinner with the King and Queen?, I had searched and searched through all the new clothes Royalty bought for me but I couldn't find anyone I could settle for. It was as though I had lost all my fashion sense.

      I walked into the closet and continued my search and at the end I settled for a royal blue gown with a golden flower embroidery which stopped directly above my knee then I paired it with black high tops. When I was done, I looked down at my high tops and decided to do away with it and just settle for the golden sandal I got yesterday.

    I made my hair into a french braid and used a silver gun shaped hairpin, don't ask me why it's gun shaped, I just find guns really fascinating, I smiled as I recalled the look on Royalty's face when I picked the gun shaped hairpin amongst others, I guess I'm just weird like that.

     I had little or no experience with make up but I didn't want to go to the palace looking like I didn't make any effort so I decided to repeat what I saw Royalty do yesterday. Worst step I ever took in my life.

     I used the liquid stuff she called foundation and I rubbed it all over my face then I added a little powder, it was going well until I decided to line my eyes, I never should have attempted it. I ended up smudging my face with black liquid and I looked absolutely stunning.... Not.

      "Royalty, Help!" I screamed and ran outside.

        "What's goi...oh my God, Snow what happened to you?" She yelled when she saw me and I gave her a sheepish smile which made her burst into laughter.

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