Chapter 2

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Hey guys! 

I forgot to add this in the last chapter, but this is what your hairstyle looks like.

I forgot to add this in the last chapter, but this is what your hairstyle looks like

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Hope you enjoy the chapter!


When Y/n got into the school, she saw all the familiar faces that roamed the halls. She had to admit it, she missed coming here a lot. All of the classes, the teachers and the fun school events.

Just one thing was missing...

"Y/n! You're here! I missed you so much!" a boy shouted and bounded up to her, arms open wide. It was Y/n's best friend, Izuku Midoriya!

"Izuku!" Y/n shouted in delight as she ran towards him to give him a big hug. "I missed you too! How was your-" Suddenly, Y/n and Izuku's reunion was interrupted by a hard shove to the cold marble floor.

"Hey look it's Greenie and One-for-Nothing," said a boy with cat eyes and claws coming up to Y/n. Another boy with long flowing blue hair like water was with him and sneered at her. "Came back so you can see what losers you are again?" the water boy said.

Fantastic. First day of school and I get bullied, Y/n thought. The cat eyed boy was Chasuka Neko and the water haired boy's name was Ao Mizu. They've been bullying her since kindergarten, calling her names like "Greenie" and "The Green-Thumbed Loser". Also, since Izuku used to be quirkless, he still wasn't respected in U.A., even though it was All-Might that gave him his quirk.

What do you want now, Chasuka? Where's Katsuki? Isn't he supposed to be with you usually?" Y/n groaned. "Don't worry about that, loser. Just keep your mouth shut so I can claw your face open," Chasuka said, while Ao held them down.

"Hey! Leave them alone!" a voice shouted from behind. Suddenly Chasuka and Ao were met by  Y/n's other best friend, Ochaco Uraraka. "Why should we listen to you, Barf-Bag?" Ao taunted. Then, calmly, Ochaco touched the bullies' shoulders. Then they started floating into the air, now helpless. The two jerks screamed in fear.

"Put us down!" Chasuka whined. "Not until you promise to leave my friends alone," Ochaco said sternly. "We promise! We promise!" Chasuka and Ao cried in unison.

With that, Ochaco put her fingertips together and they crashed to the ground with a big thud. They immediately got up and bolted off. Once Chasuka and Ao ran, Ochaco turned green and doubled over. "Ochaco! Are you okay? Please don't vomit all over the hallway again!" Y/n said, getting out a paper bag for these such occasions.

Ochaco took a few deep breaths and then was fine. "Yeah, thanks Y/n. Those two jerks were just heavier than I thought," Ochaco said, then getting back up to give Y/n and Izuku a hug as the bell rang for a warning that class wold start in five minutes. "Well, me and Ochaco need to head off to Class 1-A. We'll see you at lunch, okay?" Izuk said.

"Yeah, okay. I should be heading to 1-B now too. See you later," Y/n sighed as they both walked in opposite directions. As Y/n got to 1-B, the loudspeaker rang out.

'Please excuse the interruption. Y/n L/n, please report to the principal's office immediately.'

"Great. It's only the first day and I get called down to the principal's office," Y/n mumbled and walked to the office. She already knew this was going to be a great day.

*Timeskip brought to you by Ochaco's sweet nature*

"Hello Miss Y/n, I suppose you're wondering why you're here," said the main office lady when Y/n walked in. "Ummm... Yeah I am," said Y/n meekly. "Well, you aren't in trouble. I just want to let you know that we messed up your schedule for this year. Due to your exemplary and impressive efforts last year, you will be moved to Class 1-A," said the main office lady.

Y/n's eyes lightened up as her expression lightened. "Really? Are you serious?"

"Yes, congratulations! Now hurry up and get to class, okay?" said the main office lady cheerfully.

"Thank you! I will!" said Y/n as she bounded out of the office to her new class.

Maybe today was going to be a good day after all.


Woo! You got into Class 1-A! Congratulations!

There's the second chapter for you! Sorry it took so long to be published! Hope you guys liked it!

Thank you and remember, may the nerd be with you!

- Musicalnerd1200

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