Chapter 14: Dancing and Teenagers

Start from the beginning

"I know that better than anyone." I said looking into his eyes. He looked down ruining the moment.

"We should probably head inside." John said breaking away.

"Yeah..." I said looking down.

"Thanks for this. You were right, I needed it." He said and began to walk away. I followed him into the compound and he went toward the control room. I went the opposite way to help the mutant refugees. 


Everyone gathered in the common room to discuss our plan to find out all we could about Sentinel Services turning mutants against us.

"Listen, everybody needs to understand something here. This isn't just about hiding mutants anymore. We are taking the fight to the enemy now. It's a matter of survival." John stated with complete transparency.

"We're still helping mutants, but now, we won't cower in fear. We'll fight back and win. Show people that we are strong, but also have mercy. Show them that they don't have to be afraid of us." I added to make sure everyone knew the motivation.

"That's right. Reed, can you tell us about this building?" John asked as we gathered around the table to see all the plans.

"I wish I knew more. Some of my cases were transferred to Baton Rouge. There's a judge there, James Kresge. He dealt with most of my cases." Reed said picking up the picture of the building we needed to hit.

"And how many folks you prosecuted disappeared through this place?" Shatter asked with his arms crossed.

"It was rare. All they told me was that some of my cases were being prosecuted under a special federal program." Reed explained further.

"And you never asked for more information why?" Shatter asked accusingly.

"We're not debating this Look, what matters now is getting those files. If Clarice can get us in, then... " Marcos interrupted Shatter to suggest Clarice's role in the plan.

"That's not an option. Clarice, uh she left. She's gone." John said glancing in my direction knowingly.

"What, she just left? Why would she do that?" Lorna asked surprised that Clarice left without saying goodbye.

"It doesn't matter. We need another solution." Dreamer said trying to get back on topic. Her and John shared a knowing look.

"I could try to get us into the back of the building." Marcos said pointing at the blueprints.

"That's reinforced concrete. Cutting through this is gonna take at least half an hour." John pointed out.

"Then I'll have to do it a lot faster." Marcos shrugged.

"It's not possible." John said being the optimist that he is.

"I can move the wall." I said leaning against the table.

"Yeah, but the whole building could come down." John said.

"That happened one time and it was forever ago." I said annoyed that he brought it up.

"It's not happening, Dylan." He said sternly.

"I can get us through." Andy said entering the room.

"Andy." Reed said surprised.

"What? It's a wall. I can handle a wall, no problem." Andy shrugged. "You and I should talk - about this when..." Reed said, but was cut off by Andy.

"Are we really gonna do this again? Talk about how only the adults can do anything? You said it yourself. It's a matter of survival, right? Yeah, so, if the Sentinel Services did track us down, the kids would be just as screwed as the adults, if not more. I can get us through that wall quicker than anybody else here. It's time you let me fight." Andy said passionately.

"Wow, that was one hell of a speech kid." I said clapping his shoulder.


Marcos, Reed, and Andy were getting ready to pack up the truck and leave. I wanted to talk to Marcos before he left. It was important.

"Hey, Marcos. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked pulling him away from packing the truck.

"Yeah, Dyl. What's up?" He asked.

"Listen, I know that this is Andy's first mission and he's excited, but please keep an eye on him." I said looking to where Andy and Reed were talking.

"Yeah. Of course. Why are you so worried about him?" He asked curiously.

"It's just... Andy reminds me of me when I was his age. A lot of confusion and trying to prove myself. I got caught up in the wrong crowds and I was dangerous. Teenagers are scary and reckless. Just don't let him make the same mistakes that I made." I said referring to the stories I told him about my past.

"Don't worry, Dylan. I'll keep him on a tight leash." He said hitting my right arm as he began to move away.

"Hey, Marcos." I said and he turned around. "Thanks." I said sincerely.

"No problemo." He said whistling while throwing a bag in the back of the truck.

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