Chapter 7: Reunions and Reminiscing

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          I entered headquarters reluctantly because of my awkward situation with John. I was greeted by everyone with open arms. Marcos, Shatter, Sage, Sonya, Clarice, and everyone came to give me a hug and welcome me back. I was even introduced to the family I helped save. Caitlin was the mother she seemed super nice, but really distracted. Lauren was the daughter and she seemed sure of herself for the first time in a long time. The boy, Andy was a little skeptical of everything, but seemed like he wanted to prove himself. They seemed like a perfect family.

"Hey, Clarice, what happened here?" I asked referring to the damage.

"Oh.. yeah that was me. I portalled for miles and kind of flipped out and couldn't control my powers. I'm better now, though. Caitlin helped me." She said sheepishly.

"Oh... I'm glad you're ok." I said squeezing her hand letting her know I was sincere. I walked passed the control room when I overheard Marcos and John arguing again.

"So, what, we just forget about Lorna - 'cause she's behind bars?" Marcos asked.

"You know that's not what I'm saying." John defended.

"Well, God knows what she's going through in there." Marcos said trying not to think of what Lorna was going through at this very moment.

"I doubt they will hurt a pregnant lady in jail. Lorna is tough. She can defend herself. She's in a much better place than I was." I said trying to comfort Marcos while avoiding John's gaze.

"You're talking about breaking into a jail. 20-foot walls. With guards. With guns." John said logically.

"We have a way past all of it: Clarice. You saw what she can do." Marcos said trying to find any solution to get Lorna back.

"I saw her tearing through the fabric of space. She almost destroyed half the building. She almost died." John said quizzically.

"I think she'd be willing to help once she gets better. Lorna did help save her." I said.

"Yeah... Besides, she's fine now." Marcos shrugged.

"In your expert medical opinion." John scoffed.

"Yeah, well, she's better than she was." Marcos said.

"Even if she is, she's nowhere near ready to take on what you're proposing." John said.

"Then train her. Just like you trained most of the people in this room." Marcos said gesturing around the room.

"You train her." John said trying to get out of this situation.

"I'll train her... God. We're supposed to help people. Clarice is terrified to use her powers again. We have to show her what it's like to use her powers for good. Not out of fear or necessity or for our gain. We need to help her." I said.

"Yeah, Johnny, Clarice did get herself out of jail. I mean, maybe she can do this with our help." Sonya said trying to convince John to help Clarice.

"So you're on their side." John accused.

"No. I'm on Lorna's side. She's my friend." Sonya defended.

"John, there aren't any sides. We all have the same goal. You out of anyone should realize that." I said trying to make John know that I'm mad at him.

"All right." John said.

"W-Wait. We still live in a country of laws. H-Have we tried calling a lawyer? Some members of Congress are sympathetic to mutants." Caitlin said optimistically.

"You're really overestimating -" Marcos began.

"Why not try? We can assault a building, but we can't talk to a person?" Caitlin said cutting Marcos off mid-sentence.

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