Part 9

200 9 5

I wake up on a lazy Saturday when I get a text.

Hi please come over


Please just do

I set my phone on my dresser and think about it. I finally got the courage to go see him. I slip on a black over sized bike sweatshirt and white leggings. I put on white converse and brush out my already straight hair. I start up the car. I park it at the end of his street so his parents don't know in coming.
I take the ladder next to his window (probably the one he uses to sneak out and sneak back in for parties) and climb into his window.
He didn't know I was coming obviously because I didn't text back. He had head phones in turned around playing Fortnite so a snuck up behind him and scared him.
I start uncontrollably laughing.
He starts to play fight with me.
"Stop please stop! Haha"
Lauren's bursts through the door and says, "who hurt!- WHAT THE FUCK"
"Tell him stop punching me!"
She jumps on his back and starts to pull down his underwear. I didn't even notice he was naked. Well- half naked.
"Okay Lauren I get it! DoNt HiT a GiRl1!1"
"Good, now what the fuck are you doing here" she says point at me with a flip-flop.
"He asked me to come over so I came over and scared him and he started punching me and you started beating him with a shoe" I said really REALLY fast.
"I didn't get none of that" John said.
"I did" Lauren said proudly.
"Gucci" He said getting back to fortnite.
I rip his headphones off his head and say, "you called me over here for a reason so either talk to me or I'm leaving."
"Bye" he said not looking off the screen.
I climb out the windows I got out of bed for no damn reason. Frick you Juan.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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