"Happy birthday princess!"

Começar do início

Wednesday, 7am
You wake up by the sound of your alarm. You check the phone and see a lot of notifications. You open Instagram first and see a lot of edits and posts of you with happy birthday wishes. You like the ones that you like more and notice that a lot of accounts posted the same photo of you and Millie together. Then you realise and go to check millie's account. She posted a photo with you and commented "happy birthday to my queen👑💓". You put a like and comment "I love you mills💓".

Then you go to check the messages

Caleb🏀:"happy birthdayy"

L💜:"happy birthday to my favorite person, thank you for everything❤️"

Jaeden🍕:"happy birthday🎉"


Jack🧠:"happy birthday😘"

Gaten🧐:"Happy birthday y/n😙❗️"

Wyatt❗️:"happy birthday!"

Maddiee👑:"today it's a special person's birthday. Best wishes darling💗💗"

Mills💓:"hey gurlll happy birthdayy👑❤️❤️"

Lilia🌻:"happy birthday baby! I love you so much, remember that!❤️❤️

Katie🌸:"happy birthday! I miss youu"

Taliaaaa☀️☀️:"happy birthday sweetie❤️❤️"

Iris🌹:"happy birthday💜💜"

Liv🧡:"happy birthday girl! We miss you here in San Francisco💞💞💞"

F☕️:"Good morning princess, I love you❤️"

Your mom opens the door of your room:hey honey! Happy birthday..!
You smile:thank you mom
Y/m:come downstairs, there is a surprise for you *she winks at you*
You smile and go downstairs with her
You see a bunch of flowers on the table
Y/n:oh mom..you didn't have to
Y/m:oh no, I didn't send them
Y/n:and who then?
You take them and see a letter with something written on it
"Happy birthday princess, F"
You feel a big smile growing up in your face

Your Story now

Your Story  now

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You have breakfast with eggos and some strawberries on it, then you go upstairs and get ready
Later you leave home:bye!
Freddie:happy birthday!
Y/m:bye! *You wave at them and close the door*

8:30am, *at school*
You get to school and some people wish you happy birthday. You wave and thank them.
Then you go to your locker. You are about opening it but finn takes your shoulder and makes you turn back to him
You notice the rose that he is holding and smile
Finn:happy birthday princess
You smile:thanks for the bunch of flowers
Finn:what bunch?
You smile at him and give him a little tap on his shoulder
Y/n:you know! *you smile*
Finn:yes *he smiles and kisses you*
You take the rose that he is holding
Y/n:thank you *you give him a peck and put the rose inside your locker*
After that he kisses you and Millie comes with the rest of group
Millie:how you doing "16 year old"? *she smiles and hugs you*
Sadie:happy birthdayyy
Y/n:thank you all for the wishes!
Lilia:awww *You chuckle*

*bell's ring*

You all leave the school so you and finn go home. He puts his arm around your shoulder and you hold his hand
Finn:tonight lilia is having a party
Finn:yes, do you wanna come with me?
You nod:sure *he smiles*
Y/n:do you know what we're doing with the guys today?
Finn:actually..they decided to leave us alone
Finn:so, I guess I'll pick you up at 4?
You smile:3:30
He stops and comes closer to you:3:30
He kisses you and you kiss him back
Finn:love you! *you smile*


F☕️:"I'm here"

You go to your mom:I'll text you when I'll get home
Mom:bye y/n! *you close the door*
Y/n:where are you bringing me today?
Finn:you'll find out

*few minutes later*

He took you to...

love at 15Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora