First fans "attack" and another jack's mistake

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*at the cinema*

You and Finn are holding hands
5 girls are coming to you looking excited

Red alert, these are fans
How am I supposed to behave?!

You immediately leave Finn's hand
?:oh god
Lilia giggles:hi!
??:can we take a picture?
Lauren:oh I'll take the photo

After the photo they come to you
?'re y/n right?
Y/n:yes it's me ahah
??:can we take a picture with you too?
By the way you have 35k followers on Instagram, lol.
Y/n:sure...*you look at Millie like "what is happening"*
?:thank you
Y/n:thank you..bye! *you go back to the others*
Y/n:wh..why..what *maddie laughs*

*after the movie*

Sadie:guys that was really scary. Who chose it?
Gaten:why? It was so cool
Millie:we won't trust you next time
Finn:I liked it
Wyatt:yes I guess the scene that you liked more was when y/n jumped on you *jack and Finn laugh*
You try not to laugh:I didn't jump on anyone!

You and Finn are walking home holding hands and your head is resting on his shoulder.
Finn:hey we arrived
Finn:breakfast together tomorrow..shall we?
You smile:course *you give him a peck*
Finn:fine so..7:30 here? *you nod*
He caresses your cheek:bye babygirl
You look at him with an amused air:Goodnight

Wednesday, 7:30am
Finn:hi babygirl *you giggle*
Y/n:why do you like to call me like that?
Finn:how? Babygirl? *you nod smiling*
Finn:because you are my babygirl
You giggle a little: stoopp

*at the cafe*

You two sit at a table and someone is giving you weird looks but you don't care. You post a photo but don't tag him

*after breakfast*

While going to school finn takes his phone
Finn:go check your Instagram

You open Instagram and see that people tagged you and him on the same pic that you posted before on your Instagram story and that someone kinda papped at you two

Y/n:oh my god..
Finn:look, they know it okay?
Y/n:no they don't...
Finn:yes they do.
You roll your eyes:fine


*You all leave the school*

Millie:guys Sadie and I were thinking about having a party this Saturday, are you in?
Everyone:yes sure! parents are at home so we can't do it at mine. What about you jack?
Jack:why me? *you all look at him*
Jack:...I will ask... *he rolls his eyes*

Saturday, 11pm

*at school*

Jack:guys tonight at 8pm?
Jack:okay my address is (random address)
Sadie:Can't wait!


*walking home with finn*

Y/n:I can't wait for tonight
Finn:there will be a lot of people, you know that right?
Y/n:yes and then?
Finn:nothing just..whatever-
Y/n:I got you, You were thinking about that thing..What about the others, can we stay together, can we "hold hands", am I right?
Y/n:Well...I don't care about that, honestly I want to be with you carefree
Y/n:and tonight you'll pick me up at 7:40
Finn:yes *He giggles*
Finn:Later baby girl
You roll your eyes:bye finn..! *He smiles and gives you a peck*

You leave home and close the door
Finn whispers:damn!
Y/n:do I look good?
Finn:sure but I guess I'll have to get an eye on you
Y/n: that's inevitable


*at Jack's*

Maddie:hi Guys!
Gaten:who misses?
Jack:the others will come later
Y/n:the others?
Caleb:yes you know...when jack has to throw a means a big party
Y/n:what about your parents?
Jack:ohh they will never know it
Mille:where are they?
Millie giggles:you'll end up in troubles, I warned you
Lilia:so..when are the others coming?
Jack:in an hour?
Sadie: we'll help you clean, don't even care to ask

There are about 200 people. You are looking for the girls, when someone bumps on you. You turn around and it was Jack, he looks so drunk and it makes you laugh
Jack:heyy *he puts his arm around your shoulder* what's up
Y/n:hey jack *he smiles*
He looks you up and down:you're so pretty
You look away looking for finn when he gets you close and kiss you
Y/n:jack! What the fuck! *you detach quickly*
Then he realises the situation and take his arm off you
Jack:shit *you go away* I'm sorry-

*You go up to Millie*

Y/n:Millie Millie
Millie:y/n are you okay?
Y/n:not at all
Millie:oh no, what happened?
Y/n:jack kisses me
Millie:what?! really?
Y/n:I swear, I'm so scared someone could have seen us
Millie:He knows you have a boyfriend! What kind of asshole!
Millie sees something behind you:oh not again

Someone takes your hand. It's Finn
He pulls you aside:Someone said that you kissed jack, is it true?!
Finn:Is it true?
Y/n:he kissed me, I didn't kiss him, he did and I didn't want to
Finn:how can I believe it?
Y/n:Finn I swear I would never do something like that..!
You stop him:finn I swear, I love you..come on
You kiss him and everyone is looking at you two but you don't care
*He goes towards jack*
Y/n:nononono finn please! No! *too late!*
Jack chuckles:heyy mannn!
Finn:oh god you're drunk..
Jack:what? Noo
Finn:I don't care, you gotta control yourself it's not the first time it happens and I'm fed up with you-
Jack chuckles:ohhh! *he looks at you* you came for her *Finn turns back and looks at you too, you look super worried* isnt it
Jack:huh princess?
You look at finn shaking your head:stop *you whisper*
Finn turns back and punches jack in the face
Jack:come on! Hit me harder-
He is about to hit finn but wyatt stops him
Wyatt:jack stop! And you finn! What are you doing?
Finn:none of your business
Wyatt:guys there are lots of people here, are you serious?? *Finn chills and looks at jack with a disgusted air*
Then Lilia goes to you and hugs you
Lilia:come with me
Lilia:what the hell happened between them?
Y/n:nothing just...jack kissed me and finn went crazy
Lilia:no..! Seriously?
You nod:yes, he is drunk and..
Lilia:what a crap tho..
Y/n:I..I need...I'm mad at him. He can't react like that, he was about beating jack bad! *she gives you a sorry smile*
Y/n:Lilia, I think I'm leaving now, sorry
Lilia:no girl!
Y/n:yes I'm sorry.. *you smile*
She hugs you:okay..text me if you want


*at home*

Y/m:oh y/n..why at this time? Isn't it too soon?
Y/n:The party ended early
She smiles:alright..
Y/d and y/m:night
You go upstairs and start to think about what happened at the party. Suddenly you hear a noise. You hear it again and again, then you realise that it comes from your window
You go to open it and see..

love at 15حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن