Scene 3: Wishing For One

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By that time, Liam knows very well what to do. He need to leave. He need to leave the community where he doesn't belong. Though his memory was still lost, he could feel that he's out of place. A one in a million misplaced somewhere he shouldn't be in.

He watched the elves and pixies crowd around Emma. Sending one look at her faerother, she took off. Walking away while Emma was still crowded and can't see him. Now, Liam was no longer staying in the land of the faes.

On the other hand, Emma was repeatedly assuring everyone that she's alright. Noticing that a face was missing, she made her way through the little fairies and they gave her a space to walk on. She paced to and fro, turning her head to all directions, but still, Liam can't be seen anywhere.

Her eyes landed at her faerother, who was looking grim through this whole time...
*SFX: shuffle*
Emma: Where is Liam?
Faerother: Do I look like lost and found?
*SFX: silence*
Emma: Where is Liam?
Faerother: Do you think it's good if he's here?
Emma: What did you do?
Faerother: I sent him off. It's much better for him to wander and be lost in the woods, rather than to be here, thinking that he could find himself here when he'll really not.
*SFX: grabbing of collar/armor neckline or shoulder line*
Emma: How could you be so selfish?!
Faerother: Selfish? I am selfish?! I am selfish for shooing of that questionable being in exchange of our people's safety? There could almost have a deadly battle between us and the leprechauns because of that man's compromise! Hundred lives of fairies could have been lost in that battle just because we're harboring a man who forgot himself who smells like a human! And I will say to you, Queen Fairy's first in command, that you should know when to choose your battle. *tugs away Emma's fists on his collar* You're welcome.
*SFX: shuffle* *crunch of leaves*
Emma watched as his faerother's body was retreating, her shoulders heaving, containing her emotional breakdown inside. Then she looked at the fairies, they were all melancholic, giving her a look of sympathy which was apparent in their eyes with their brows frowned and pointed ears down. Feeling that her tears well up and her lips trembling, she walked out of their sight and teleported to her bedroom.

*SFX: when the party's over's minus one/instrumental*

There she cried her silent tears, pouring her heart out as long as no one can see her. She pulled her knees to her chest, looking over the window in the right wall next to her bed. It was already noon, and the sun had risen high up in the sky and casting off a fervid atmosphere.
Emma: *sniffs*
*SFX: creak of a door* * shut close*
Grandfae: Emma?
Emma: *shaky voice* Grandfae? *clears throat, back to bit normal voice* Grandfae? What is it?
*SFX: shuffle*
Grandfae: *worried* Are you crying?
Emma: I-It's just very hot outside that it burns my skin. It stings.
Grandfae: You're not an Asrai...
*SFX: caring background music* *sitting on bed*
Grandfae: Now be a good granddaughter and tell grandfae the truth.
Emma: The young fae you met last night was gone.
Grandfae: What do you mean by gone? Kind of left? Did he hurt you?
Emma: No, grandfae. He didn't. H-he just left... Because faerother made him to.
*SFX: sad background music*
Emma: Recently, leprechauns attempted to trespass our land. They suspected a human scent here, and they accused it to be the lost fae. I stood my ground and insisted that he's a fairy, but they didn't believe me, and instead waged a war against us. Their leader tried to kill me, but of course, I was handling him just right. Until faerother decided to butt in and held the leader by its neck with his sword, ready to kill right away. The leader surrendered for his life, and they retreated.
Grandfae: And...?
Emma paused for a while, thinking that maybe she should skip the part when the leader threatened her and oathed to have an unfinished business.
Emma: And the lost fae left because faerother made him to.
*SFX: silence*
Grandfae: You're attached with him.
Emma: What?
Grandfae: It's merely less than a day and you're already attached with him.
*SFX: silence*
Grandfae: Why?
*SFX: silence*
Emma: It feels like he's Liam. I see Liam in him.
*SFX: reminiscent background music*
Grandfae: You still love him, don't you?
Emma: ...How can I not, grandfae? He's the only man who has been with me through my ups and downs when I was still a human. He loved me like the half of his heart just as I am to him.
Grandfae: Dear, love is something to lose. Though when your half heart became void, you still have the other half with you. Time heals the pain and someday, you'll never know that you still have your whole heart with you, beating like it has never been hurt before. You just need to let go and learn how to move on.
Emma: How? When before I sleep and wake up, he's the only thing in my mind? Even though it's been so long, it still feels just the same. I'm longing for him.
Grandfae: It's just natural to feel that way. You're longing because you used to have him. But when you see that things are falling for a good reason, your longing will be worth it because every person has a lifetime message to leave in one. Have faith, Emma. Life is trying new things and see how they work. Liam would not want to see you lonely even here in a different world, he want you to be happier. That's for sure.
Emma: *sighs* What would I do without you, Grandfae?
Grandfae: Cry your eyes out. *laughs*
Emma: *laughs*
Grandfae: Let's hang out beneath the hawthorn trees while sipping on a good, cold Rowan macchiato. How does that sound?
Emma: *smiles* Great.
*SFX: dipping of cushions* *shuffle* *opening of a door* *closing*

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