Scene 2: You Know What To Do

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*SFX: dreamy background music*

Liam's POV

I gasped and jolted upright to a sitting position. I was, once again, in the woods. But no fireflies, no Emma. The sky is clear and there was no stars to fill up the night sky, except for the full moon that illuminates the surrounding despite the darkness, the only light I can rely to aside from the bioluminscent glow of my wings.

I touched the back of my head, but it appears that I didn't hit my head on the rock as there was no dried blood on it.

The silence was eerie. Until I heard a soft giggle somewhere. I looked around, curious as to where it came from. Then there was a giggle again, followed with many different giggles.

I stood and warily followed the sound. It lead me to an ocean where there was a group of creatures who have human appearance above the waist and fish-like tail and fins below. In their middle, sitting atop the rock was a different one. She was a human in appearance from head to toe, breathtakingly beautiful in her spiky crown with torn violet dress and wings alike.

The enchanting creatures around her were giggling, she was apparently of a too shy to join them as her eyes were downcast while her foot was gently stroking the shallow water of the ocean.

All in a while, she stopped from what she's doing and surprisingly looked at me. Then the creatures around her also stopped from giggling, all of their heads were turned to me.

I stood transfixed, unable to tear my gaze from the eyes directed at me.
*SFX: intimidating background music*
Asrai: So you're the one who accidentally broke the dimensional boundary.
*SFX: eerie background music*

She was staring at me passively, which renders her intimidating despite the beauty she holds.
*SFX: sudden shocking sound*
Liam: *gasps in frightful surprise*
Then in a blink of an eye, she was stood in front of me. Her eyes as if looking through my soul.
Asrai: I know what you're looking for... And you also know what you're looking for... You just have to see it.
Liam: What?
Asrai: What a pathetic soul searching for his lover...
Liam: Do you know me?
Asrai: I know you. I know everyone of you... Every soul. For I keep all of your memories. Unfortunately, you lost yours.
*SFX: mysterious background music*
Asrai: You won't wish to regain it, actually. For once you have it back to you, you'll go back to the real you too and will lost sight of what you're truly searching for.
Liam: Who am I? And who's I'm looking for?
Asrai: I'm warning you. Don't. Ever. Tell. Anyone. That you dreamt of this. I won't give you a favor if you ever do. *smiles* At the deep ocean. On the full moon. Meet me there,... Liam.
*SFX: freezing background music*
She held my right forearm, and from there, I felt cold. I gasped and held my breath as I watch the frost spreading...
*SFX: suspense background music*

Emma: ...Liam... Liam.
Liam: Ha! *panting*
It was Emma who holds my right forearm as it seems like she woke me up.
Emma: What the hell's wrong with you? And what makes it hard for you to wake up?!
Liam: What did you call me?
*SFX: static silence*
Emma: ...Liam.
Liam: Why Liam?
Emma: ...Because you look like him...
Liam: Who's Liam?
Emma: You asks too many questions.
*SFX: playful background music* *standing up* *shuffle*
Liam: But I only asked three questions!
*stride shuffle*

*SFX: peaceful village background music*

I followed Emma outside the cabin, and what greeted me made the village more beautiful than what I had seen last night. Everything is so vivid under the sun as the community is thriving to life. Different creatures were walking around, doing their business in unity in spite of their distinct differences.

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