I'll Be Damned If I See You With Some Other Man.

Start from the beginning

"Kasey, kind of got a point there whats the harm?" Aaron spoke from the sofa but his eyes were burning with an emotion i didn't want to recognise.

i stared at my friends for along time before sighing, what would she say to him? and would my friends questions turn him off me? i didn't know and quite frankly i felt sick but i knew Kasey only cared.

"Fine, but don't say anything to harsh or bad to him" reluctantly i pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to Kasey.

"Me?, Harsh? never" Kasey batted her eye lashes, then frowned as Aaron muttered more insults under his breath.

"Kasey, Please for me don't" i gave her the or i will kill you look.

"Calm down keep you're granny pants on" she joked, Kasey and Aaron both broke out laughing easing the mood up alittle in the room but i wasn't impressed Kasey pouted when i offered her my middle finger in response.

i wrapped my arms around myself as i watched Kasey skim through my resent contacts and press call-back, i felt like grabbing the phone off her and canceling the call, why the hell did i agree to let her call Ronnie god he was going to dislike that, i bite on my lip it hurt and i was sure i tasted blood,

Kasey posture straightened as a males voice echoed out a faint hello and other words i couldn't understand "hey no its not Liisa, Im Liisa's um- friend Kasey." Kasey stared at me when i pointed for her to put him on speaker, she did as i asked.

"why do you have Liisa phone and why are you calling me?, is she there?" Ronnie's voice was much clearer now he sounded hot.

"shes here alright, she going all red and embarrassed." Aaron shouted before Kasey could reply.

"who the hell is that?" Ronnie sounded pissed now.

"oh him hes our room-mate/asshole friend Aaron." Kasey said sweetly before sticking her tongue out at Aaron.

"Room-mate?, how many are there?" Ronnie voice became lower, i shook oh god he wasn't liking the boy as a room-mate thing.

"Just us three, anyway enough about us, i have a question about you?" Kasey retorted in a mother like way.

"What? let me talk to Liisa please" Ronnie sounded abit dumbfounded and annoyed.

"OK i will let you talk to her when you answer my question" Kasey rolled her eyes in exasperation before tilting her head at my expression.

I hadn't moved much i was still hugging myself afraid to move like if i put my hands to my sides i would fall apart i felt so nervous plus Ronnie's voice was making my knees feel like jelly.

"Fuck" he said softly then more loudly "what question?".

"Oh god, they want to know if you want to just bang Liisa and drop her" Aaron got up so quick that me and Kasey were shocked by his quick movement he had taken the phone off of Kasey leaving her stunned, when she tried to get it back he held her away at arms lenght. when Ronnie didn't respond

Aaron continued, "Look Liisa a good lass, she don't need to be messed around she sweet and awesome and i would kick the shit out of you if you hurt her". his words made me smile but the look in his eyes made me cringe why couldn't he just get over me?

"I don't intend on hurting her, and if you said that to my face while i was there you would have been sorry mate" Ronnie warned him.

Aaron Laughed but kept his voice neutral "Yea, whatever look I'm just saying Liisa to good to be messed about by some rock-star".

"Aaron" i breathed finally i had the strenght to move i reached my hand out for my phone and frowned when he didn't hand it to me.

"Do you fancy Liisa?" Ronnie asked suddenly surprising me and Aaron we both gaped at each-other and Aaron when red.

My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now