Open Letter To Storm And Silence Series

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Dear Storm and Silence series,

I know that I should instead write to you Rick or maybe Lilly, or to you Sir Rob and well, how can I forget you Karim? But what can I say? I can't help it. Though you're just a book for people but for me, you're my life and you definitely have a separate entity. You know, I remember the day I randomly came across the first part of you, and though I prefer not to go for the books which have sequels, I did for you anyways. I remember not understanding the situation at the start, like why does Lilly have to dress up like a man just to vote? But I continued; and I'm happy I did. I gradually came to know about the Victorian culture and how it was back then in England. I came to know how women were harassed by chauvinistic beasts and weren't allowed to do anything they wish. They didn't have any freedom and I started feeling horrible for all the ladies who lived during that era. It must have been really hard to live in a place where you weren't given the respect you deserved.

And there Lilly, living in a place like that and being the daring and brave rebel you are, doing everything you wish for, fighting for your rights and living the life you had always wanted; you became the perfect inspiration for every single person out there. You are the perfect example of 'if you want something, you gotta fight for it'. You know, whenever I think about you, I realize how different you've always been. Carrying a really witty, spell bounding but positive attitude, not really caring for yourself but caring for others (Rick, Ella, Karim and all) and the level of your brain! Like every one else, I'm too left speechless by your actions and comebacks. And I'm pretty sure every lady who knows you could relate to me. You know Lilly, you're younger than me but the qualities, the bravery, the strong and sexy aura you possess, the intelligence and wit you got (and how can we forget about your swearing?), its something beyond the level and I admire you for that. And your part of Victor Linton, I don't have words, how can you cross dress and play the role so perfectly?

You Rick, have really raised my expectations for a perfect man. I could say you're my fictional crush (minus you being the miser and sometimes the chauvinistic bastard too). But anyways, your silence is one the best things I learnt from you (though I'm obviously not perfect at it), but yes, I never realized how powerful silence could be until I experienced it; all thanks to you. The way you organize things so perfectly, take care of every thing, love Lilly and care for her but don't show, your love and affection for Karim and your mom and sister, and somewhere, deep down in the abyss of your heart, a little bit for your dad too is priceless. You say all these things are a waste of time but everyone knows how you have a beautiful heart even if you show that you don't have one. And your 'Knowledge is power is time is money', is something which got into my head.

Karim, the bearded mountain, I didn't forget you, I could never. You were the one who was always there for Rick and later for Lilly too. We know you act tough and you call her an 'ifrit' but you adore her as much as we all do, maybe more. Though I could never forget 'Prince Utairah Jafri fi al Qurram Qumrah lll, heir to the principality of Bakavãsa'. Thats something I would laugh forever and I admire Adaira, her ingenuity to come up with such a name which translates to 'Prince Fragrant Yellow Flower in the Happy Moonlight, heir to the Principality of Rubbish', it was probably one of the funniest parts in the whole series.

Captain James Carter, what should I say? The sweet, charming, caring and compassionate ladies's man, you're one of the other characters I adore. If I wouldn't have been partial towards Rick, I'd definitely have wished for you to be together with Lilly. But you know, though you're the the perfect suitor for any lady, you aren't the one for Lilly. I didn't like the fact of you being heartbroken and upset coz of Lilly's rejection but nothing can be done about that. I just hope you'd find someone soon who could be 'the one' for you.

And Lord Eugene Dalgliesh, you're one hell of a villain. Though I don't like villains and I usually don't admire, but somehow I do admire you a bit. It takes a lot to be a perfect villain which you already are. But remember, I would literally hate you if anything happened to Rick or Lilly!

You know what, I think I should stop now. Coz if I continue to go on like this, I'll probably write a book of letters to each and every character as there's so much I want to say. Aunt Brank, stop selling your nieces to the highest bidder. Ella, your love and relationship is now in open, start being brave. Edmond, don't you dare hurt Ella or you'll face the wrath of so many people. Uncle Brank, you're really wise and I'vd have respected you more if you'd have been a little less of a miser than Rick but alas! Adaira, you're the best sister and the best friend one could ever wish for. Lady Samantha, your motherly love and shower of pink is sometimes more than enough for me to take in, but I love you anyways. Lord Ambrose, be a bit more family person and be proud of your son instead of believing Dalgliesh. Patsy, you're one of my favorite side characters, and I definitely don't wanna be on your bad side and face the wrath of your parasol. Amy, amy, amy, so careless and inconsiderate of me to forget you. You're the one of the best (and the naughtiest too), I won't judge you, infact I'm kinda proud and happy that you met Lilly and told her all the bedroom stories and 'gloves (though I'm still not sure how does these gloves work? Aren't they uncomfortable down there? But, whatever). And there are many many more characters whom I wanna talk to but okay, maybe next time.

Lastly, Sir Rob, your idea of the story is amazing. The plot of a 'boss-secretary relationship' may sound cliché and overused but your story is not at all a cliché. At every step, there's a twist. At every nook or a corner, the story takes a completely different turn. Its the most unpredictable story I've ever read; and thats the beauty of it. There's romance, there's love, there's war, there's adventure, there's exploration, there's mystery, there's thrill amd what not. I'm completely in love with every single part of S&S. When in the first part, Rick got drowned and Lilly was left alone, I thought he could never come back, and if he would, it would be too much unbelievable. But you made it believable; the same way you did for their survival and war with the bandits in the desert, or the quest of gold in the South-American Jungle or the family meet on the eve of Christmas at Rick's parent's palatial estate. And the title you chose, Lilly being the 'Storm' to Rick's 'Silence' is completely relatable and incredible.

So all the very best to Lillian Linton (and Victor Linton) and Rikkard Ambrose for your life ahead. Coz your togetherness has become relationship goals and I believe you are great together. Wish you both a very happy life ahead. Abundance of love from me and all the crazy fans. And we all adore you Captain Carter, and we wish you'd find the right person for you. And I really hope that in future, I'd get to see a movie created on this story. That would be freaking amazing! Well, I gotta go and read the whole series again. Till then, Au Revoir!

Another 'Ifrit' trying to be like Lilly and in the quest of finding her own Ambrose.

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