Letter 5

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It wasn't until both of them were standing at the altar when Derek received a love letter.

"I know I'm supposed to be telling you how much I love you and how I'll vow to stay with you forever. But I think we both know that it's these stupid little letters truly show how I feel. So, here you go I guess." Stiles mumbled as he handed Derek a deep red envelope.

"They're not stupid. They're perfect, they mean everything to me." Derek replied quickly as he opened the letter.

"Glad you think that cause you're going to read this one out loud, " Stiles said with a smirk, only to have Derek raise a questioning eyebrow, "It's appropriate I swear." Clearing his throat Derek unfolded the letter.

" To my husband,

So, we did it. Or I guess we are doing it. We're standing in front of everyone we care about and love, But the thing is, I don't need any of this. I love everyone here and I love that they actually bothered to show up. It's just we could be doing this in Vegas, a courthouse, or a gross- ass trench for all I care, what makes it special and perfect is that it's you. That I get to marry Derek fuckin Hale. That you are becoming Derek Stilinski-Hale, you're going to be a Stilinski! Dad I fuckin did it! " Derek couldn't help but laugh his head off when the sheriff leaned over and gave Stiles a high five.

"God I'm marrying a dork!"

"You already knew what you were getting into, I write you love letters. Our first really turn date, and I don't count all of those monster stakeouts; the very first I took you to Comic-Con. I made you dress up." Stiles said as his cheeks went rosy from laughing.

"To be fair I could of say no to dress up if I wanted."

"BULLSHIT!" Erica yelled from the audience. Causing a laugh to rumble through the crowd. Derek just rolled his eyes choosing to go back reading, ignoring the heat that spread across his cheeks.

"Anyway here's that part where I get sappy, like really sappy. Buckle in Der-Bear. Cause here we go. I love you, and I know you already know this and you know how much, but I don't think I've ever told you when I fell in love with you Derek. It was after a nightmare, Dad had to work the night shift so you were staying with me. For the first few weeks, you didn't sleep, you just sat on the ground by the bed and guarded me. Like some creature was going to come and give me the nightmares, but you were there to stop them. I know if anything ever came in, you would give your life to protect me. That fact still scares me to this day, it makes me feel too incredibly loved. I never know how much comfort another person could bring me. To this day I still remember every detail of that nightmare, I remember seeing myself with my eyes glassed over and black. I was locked in a glass box and I had to watch myself kill you. I watched you die, and I guess that this is a bit much for our wedding day but screw it. So after that happened, I woke up screaming your name and seconds later you were there. You wrapped your arms around me and leaned your forehead against mine, You told me that you were there and alive, and it was in that moment I realized I love you. That you were it for me, I don't need anyone or anything as long as I have you. So, I vow to love you and to make sure you never forget that love. Cause I love you to the moon and back.

Love your husband,

Stiles Stilinski-Hale

Derek couldn't stop the tears that rolled down his cheeks as he finished Stiles letter. Smiling softly at his groom as he wiped tears from his cheeks.

"To the moon and back," Derek whispered between them as he leaned his forehead against Stiles.

"To the moon and back," Stiles replied bumping their noses together.

"Not wanting to waste any more time, my I see the rings." The priest asked as he nodded toward Scott who held the rings.

"Stiles Stilinski, do you take Derek Hale to love and to hold?"

"I do," Stiles answered his voiced muffled with tears as Derek slide the ring onto his finger.

"And do you, Derek Hale take Stiles Stilinski to love and to hold?

"I do." Smiling brightly as Stiles slide the ring on.

"Then without further ado, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss!" Derek didn't even wait until the priest finished before he grabbed Stiles waist, pulling him close and kissing him with everything he had. 

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