Chapter 17

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Laura P.O.V.

I held onto Ross, not wanting to ever let go. I thought back on the entire day. A lot has happened. I remembered the note that was in my hands. I moved my hands away from Ross and searched my back pockets. Where was it?! I left it in my back pocket when I he wouldn't take it, would he?

I walked out of the house, almost running. "LAURA! WHERE ARE YOU GOING? COME BACK!" I could hear Ross calling me, but that note meant so much. I would trade everything just to see my sister again. I know it's a shot in the dark and she may not be alive, but I finally need closure.

Ross finally caught up to me, grabbing my arm and stopping me from going any further. "Talk to me Laura, what's going on?" I looked him directly into the eyes and explained my whole encounter with Vanessa's old boyfriend. I explained that after, he left leaving only a small note that said who took Vanessa. Travis distracted me and I didn't want him to see the note, so I shoved it into my back pocket of my jeans. After explaining everything with Travis, Ross was the first to say, "Are you sure he took it?"

I looked shocked. Ross was so angry at him, now he's saying he's innocent. "Travis was the only one that could have taken it. Well, except for... no he wouldn't." I paused, hoping Ross hadn't heard what I said. I can't tell him what happened.

"Who, Laura? Tell me." I hesitated, but eventually gave in to his sweet puppy dog eyes. "Well on the way home, we ran in to Ratliff." Ross's grin turned into a frown. "No I trust Ratliff, he wouldn't do something like that and I can't believe you're accusing him of it." I shook my head. "I wasn't I was just telling you I ran into him, I even said he wouldn't do that." Ross nodded, "You're right, I'm sorry." I just nodded. 

"Laura, can we go home?" I glared at Ross. "This could mean the difference between life and death for my sister." Ross nodded completely understanding my thoughts. I wanted to believe that my sister was still alive. I saw Travis talking to a figure, who disappeared into the bushes as we came closer. "Hey Laura, I'm sorry about earlier." I nodded signaling that I forgave him. 

Ross nudged my shoulder. I looked over to him and he pointed at the ground. I glanced at the grass. Is that the paper? I leaned down to pick it up. "Damn." I heard Travis mumble under his breath. I looked. "Vanessa was kidnapped by her boyfriend?? No.. I talked to him, she left his house alive that night." Travis looked at me. "Laura, I don't know what you're talking about." I slapped him right across the face. 

"DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT?!? THE NOTE WAS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!? I FUCKING HATE YOU, TRAVIS! LEAVE ME ALONE." Travis grabbed my hand. "No, Laura. It's not my fault." I moved out of his grip. "If it's not your fault, then who?" Travis avoided my eyes. "Umm.. I can't say... Laura...I gotta go." Before I could even say another word, Travis ran away from us. "Fucking scumbag, you realize he could be blaming someone for what he did?" 

"How could he have done that, he would've been just a kid. He is 3 months older than me." Ross shook his head. "Something about that guy. He isn't our age, I can tell you that right now." 


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I'm Only Me When I'm With You (Raura) *EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now