Chapter Eight

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"Okay Barry spill," Iris requested from her seat at CC Jitters. Eddy sat on the other side of her and Caitlin and Cisco next to me.

"Really Iris? Did you tell everyone?" Iris just looks at me and I retract my question, sighing. Iris is a good sister, and she can keep a secret, unless she thinks that secret is something you need help with, like a crush, then she can't not tell. I run my hand down my face, then take a sip of coffee. "Okay so, there was one almost kiss, and a . . . sleeping. . .thing. . ." I begin and Iris practically leaps out of her chair.

"Sleeping thing? You slept together?" I can feel my cheeks flush and the stares of people sitting around us, Eddy notices too and pulls Iris back down into her seat.

"Literally, slept. We fell asleep on her couch," I clarify, but Iris doesn't seem to care what kind of "slept" I meant. There's a glimmer in her eye, like when she's watching TV and two people she's been saying should get together finally do. I shake my head. "Nothing's going to happen though, Kara is Kara. She's way out of my league,"

"Who's out of your league? Does Barry have a crush?" I hear and turn around to see a blonde with glasses. Luckily it's Felicity. Diggle and Oliver stand behind her, both seeming slightly amused, and I blush a little.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" I ask, hoping that if I change the subject she'll forget it ever happened.

"Oh, well, we know you guys are probably busy but we need help. Metahumans have been coming to Star City so we thought maybe you guys wouldn't mind teaming up for a while?" Oliver asks as Felicity pulls up a chair and sits down at our table. Diggle and Oliver remain standing and seem perfectly content to do so.

"We'd love to," I respond.

"Yeah after a major fight with Zoom it might be nice to just take care of some metahumans," Caitlin points, out, and Cisco nods in agreement.

"A major fight? What happened? Is everyone okay?" Oliver and Felicity ask, Felicity seeming much more frazzled and Oliver seeming just concerned. I don't want to go over what happened, and let the guilt wash over me like it does every time I think about it. Kara can never go home. Because of me. Because I didn't think to make sure Zoom couldn't close the portal. I mean, sure, I didn't know it was possible, but that's no excuse. When you mess with something as dangerous as dimension hopping you should know everything about it. I sigh.

"We're fine, just locked out of another universe," I say, guilt settling in my chest. "And our friends from that Earth can never go home," The Arrow group looks a little solemn but I plaster a smile on my face. "Caitlin's right though, a little fighting with everyday metas might take our minds off of it,"

Felicity smiles at that and so does Diggle. Oliver doesn't but he hardly ever smiles so I take it as a good sign. "Good, now tell me about this girl," I almost spit out my coffee as she says it and the other's laugh. Diggle and Oliver finally pull up a chair.

 "What girl?" I play dumb, but absolutely no one is buying it. Felicity gives me her, "you know what I'm talking about that you're pretending not to know about" look. (Patent pending).

"He's completely head over heels for this girl named Kara who came with us from the other world we got locked out of. She's totally into him too. They even almost kissed before Barry chickened out." Iris fills her in and I can feel a blush once more enveloping my entire face. I felt like something that seemed really complicated to me just got summed up in a couple of sentences and the feeling was really uncomfortable. "Oh and apparently they fell asleep together on her couch once,"

Felicity looked at me smugly. "Aw puppy love. He's blushing," She says poking me lightly in the arm. "It seems like this Kara girl, likes you back,"

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