"I'll be back before you know it." She placed a gentle kiss on his lips, throwing a goodbye to the rest of the Blinders and walking outside to her car.

The entire journey to Small Heath she rehearsed and replayed each question she was going to ask him. She had too many but she knew even if she asked all of them, she wouldn't get all the answers she craved. Turning on to Swallow Lane, she parked up outside the factory doors.

"Good morning Miss Gray." The guard outside greeted her as she paused to light up a cigarette. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"I need to speak to some of your workers, Tommy's orders." She lied

"Of course Miss, anything to be concerned about?"

"Not at all. I'll be as quick as I can."

"No problem at all Miss Gray, you take all the time you need."

Anna marched through the building, earning looks of awe and wonderment from each man she passed. A rather old, chubby man with a moustache was the first to approach her.

"Can I do anything to help Miss Gray?"

"Yes, you can show me to a Mr Ronald North."

"Certainly Miss, right this way. Mr North is new to us but a very good worker, always on time."

"This isn't about his work."

"I see Miss." he stopped walking, gesturing in the direction of a man moving boxes in a vest and overalls which were undone and hanging on his hips. "Ron, there's a woman here to see you." Ron turned around with a smile already on his face. His brow was glistening with sweat, his curly brown hair dirty and messy from his work.

"Second time in twenty four hours, you are spoiling me Lottie." He looked her up and down as he stepped towards her. Anna almost smacked him for using her old nickname in front of an outsider.

Sensing the tension, the old man excused himself, leaving the ex couple alone. By the looks of it, Ron was the only worker in this particular area. It was private, far away from the noise of the factory. Back here, no one could hear them.

"Well then, where do we begin?" Ron's tone was pissing her off, sounding emotionless and far less affected than Anna.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"

"I couldn't face you." His voice softened slightly, prompting Anna to stop grinding her teeth. "I didn't want to accept the fact I was never going to see you again, so I didn't face it."

"So why are you back again?"

"Well my parents split up. Dad stayed in London for his work, mum wanted to come home to Birmingham. I followed with the hope of finding you again. When I got home, I was told you were long gone."

"And I suppose it's just a coincidence you're now working for my cousin is it?"

"Anna, it's far from a coincidence. I've been to the Garrison every day in the three months I've worked here with the hope you'd walk in, cause I heard your family own the pub."

"Well you got your wish." Anna lit up another cigarette, needing the violent ease it gave her in stressful situations.

"Trust me, I would've preferred to never see you again than to see you walk in with that man on your arm." Anna was looking anywhere but at him, scared to see the expression on his face. "My turn to ask the questions, what the fuck happened?" His voice raised, now clearly showing far more emotion than moments prior.

"I told you I was in the care of social services before I came to the village, my family found me."

"And your family are a bunch of gangsters?"

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