Chapter 3

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Oh my gosh this cant be happening. Niall is my neighbor. Like what the actual fuck! He'll probably be coming over to my house every single day. Oh and I forgot my dad is going on a trip to Mexico because of his work for a month! Could things get any worse!?

About two more hours of thinking about that I finally go to sleep at 3 in the morning. I have to get up in two hours so whats the point in going to sleep but whatever. Hopefully I wont have a dream about him.


~The next day~

Niall's POV

"Beep,beep,beep" my alarm clock dings in its annoying as ringtone shit. I hit snooze. It dings again.

"Shut the fuck up!" I say knocking the alarm clock over. Shit, my anger problems are getting worse. Good thing i didn't tell Blaire about them. I feel like I can tell her anything except that. I'm kinda imbarrest

About it. Thats why I'm so good at football because I can take all my anger out on the players and dot get punished for it.

I really like Blaire but I know she doesn't feel the same about me. What could I do to make her like me?

Oh shit I have to get ready for school! I've been day dreaming about Blaire for 20 minutes!


~At school~

Niall's POV

I walk into school and go to my locker ignoring everybody that says hey or whatever. It sounds like a total douche thing but I don't care. All I want to do is see Blaire, she makes my day happier. I haven't seen her at all but hopefully she is at school because I forgot to take my medicine and she is the only cure for me.

In math I cant pay attention at all. This fucking test is too hard Blaire isn't in math, where the hell is she?


Blaire's POV

I woke up this morning and my head was pounding. I cant go to school like this there's too much noise, I wont be able to concentrate, and Niall is there.

I got out of bed, finally, after about an hour laying there. And got a shower hoping it will make me feel better. I put on some makeup and did my hair, just because I didn't want to look how I felt.

I went and got some coffee and made an appointment for the doctor hoping its just allergies. I hope my cancer hasn't gotten bad. I didn't tell Niall that. Its just something I don't like talking about. Its at 3. Right when Niall gets out of school, hopefully he wont ask any questions or better yet see me.


Niall's POV

Where the hell is Blaire. Thats all I can think about. What if she's dead? What if she got into a car reck? What if her dad died?

Get a hold of yourself Niall. Geez nothing happened. Hopefully.

Only one more class and then I'll be home to see her.


Blaire's POV

"Blaire Williams" the nurse says interrupting my thoughts.

My legs are shaking, I'm so scared. I just had surgery before we moved. Dads already gone so he doesn't have a clue about this.

"So Blaire, this is your first time here?" the doctor asks.

"Yes, sir it is." i say and nod.

"Well I'm Dr. Horan." he says and holds out his hand. My heart drops.

"Is there something wrong?" he asks me.

"Uh um not at all." i stutter and shake is hand.

"So what going on?" he asks me.

"Umm my head has been hurting all day and it feels the same way it did when I had cancer, so i just wanted to make sure everything is fine."

"Well, we'll get you going on a cat scan and see if its ok."

I nod and he leaves.

What the hell was that? I cant believe that I just seen Niall's dad!

"Hey, Miss.Williams your cat scan is ready."

"Ok thanks." I say and head on to the room.

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