"Hey Shawn" I say and walk up to him.

He was waiting infront of my house on his phone, like usual.

"So how about we hang out at my house today? This time my parents won't be home to embarrass me." He says.

I laugh.

Last time his mom went on and on about how she was happy shawn had "lady friends" and that he finally hit it off with some girls.

To be honest it kinda surprised me.

Shawn is a very kind and caring person, but even though he is my best friend, he is very attractive.

Nobody can lie and say he isn't. And no I don't have a crush on him, I just happens to surprise me that Shawn has only had 1 girlfriend his entire life, and it only lasted a week.

It's probably cause of how shy and blushy he is about everything.

And he looks so innocent all the time.

As I was caught up in my own little world, I didn't notice that someone out their arm around me.

Of course it was Nash.

It's like it's become his daily routine.

"Nash how many time do I have to tell you not to touch me?!"

"I don't understand why you don't even let me put my arm around you. What's the excuse now?"

I looked up at Shawn and he looked back down at me. I don't think he's thinking the same thing, but I'll do it anyway.

"Cause me and Shawn are dating." I say and put my head on his shoulder and hold his hand.

Nash just stops walking and stand there.

We continue walking without him.

I let go of Shawn and let out a sigh of relief.

"What was that all about?" Shawn asks me.

"I want him to stop being all touchy around me. So when he's around, you have to pretend to be my boyfriend."

He shakes his head.

"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee" I say.

"If you'll Shutup I'll do it."

"Then, it's a deal. You are now my official fake boyfriend."

Nash's POV

I just stopped.

They're dating now? What the fuck.

This has completely ruined my plans to get her back.

I'm continuesly trying to talk to her, but she won't let me explain anything.

I know for a fact that getting over Skylar will take a long time.

I continue to walk slowly to the school. I don't want to talk to anyone, and I don't want to be seen.

I walked with my head down. Her dating Shawn would probably be the worst thing that could happen right now. She doesn't see how hard I am trying to be nice to her.

When I enter the school, I keep my head down and walk straight to my locker. I look up and see like 5 girls who have way to much makeup, blocking my locker.

"Excuse me. Your blocking my locker."

The one with bleach blonde hair starting twirling her hair. And when I say blonde, I mean like an extremely pale blonde. Skylars blonde hair was darker and natural and shiny and soft. This girls hair looked like a bunch of seagulls took a shit on her hair.

Why? (A Nash Grier fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now