Ace's Path

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Chapter 1)

Why is this happening, “AHHHH!”I scream loudly, constant panting trying to regain my breath. I could feel my ribs crunch and crack, to reshape. The hot sun beaming down on me didn't help my current situation. Everything became louder, smells intensified, and my vision blurred through my glasses. My ribs stopped moving, but then my jaw began ache. My canines fell from my mouth. Top and bottom. They were replaced by fox like teeth, but then they retracted back in my mouth as if they were normal teeth. I think I was done transforming. I took my glasses off and looked at the sun. then I looked down, I was on the roof an apartment building. “Epic” I said sarcastically.

“Okay Trace how did I get here,” I repeated, several times. Till finally my phone rang [Song:  Awesome by XV] How you feel cause I feel so awesome--  answering quickly. “Hello?” “Boy, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?” “Mom, uhh.... I'm on my way home.” “You got five minutes, or I'm banning you from everyone’s house ,parties, and anything fun” “Yes ma'am” – dial tone. “Yeah I love you to mom.” I said sarcastically.

At least she was good for something, she jogged my memory of why I was here. I was attending a birthday party, of course their was a little drinking. I went a little overboard. Then a girl lead me up here, we got a little friendly, and I think she bit me. Some guys showed up, and I blacked out. I could be forgetting something but my memory was to vague, from all vodka.

I looked down the edge of building. “No way, I can make it home from up here. I guess I can say good bye to my life” I said sadly. As I turned around a pack of seagulls flew up in my face. I frantically took several quick steps backwards, on my last step. “Shit!” I screamed as I fell from the building. I screamed my lungs dry before I collide with the ground. “What the Hell” I said as I looked up the side of the building. I starting running home, but it felt like I was moving like the Flash or something

Only three minutes had past since the phone call with my mom, and I was entering the front door. As I entered the house my mom surprise me with me. “You got real lucky, boy.” “I know mom, I know. As I passed her the coach to get to my room she stopped me. “Your eyes.” She said under her breath, but I heard her. I tried to keep going ignoring her comment, but with some incredible strength she threw me several feet in to the wall. “fourteen, and your already having sex.” She berated me for several minutes, all I could think about was remembering what I did on the roof top. “Why do you think that, and how did you throw me like that?” 

“Trace, when vampires, werewolf’s, mermaids, elf’s, leprechauns, kitsunes, wendigos, chimeras, and others creatures run in your blood line, some how sex releases the chemical to turn you into one of the mythical beast. You seemed to be hybrid vampire teeth, 4 fox tails, and elf ears. I may be wrong.” She said this like it wasn't out of the ordinary, and I was just suppose to accept it – I did

“Wait so your saying I’m some special hybrid. Are my friends like me?” “Most likely everyone in this city and state is either a myth or myth hunter.” “So how is this going to affect me?” “With your powerful combination you may be attacked by myth hunters. Plus since your a vampire, it should be easy dinner.” She said walking away.

I went to my room, and started playing in the mirror. Being black having hair like this was unusual. I started to wonder why my friends decide to keep their changes from me. What could Hassan , Paris, Jalen, Johnnie, Kevin, Devin, Tabby, Ma'quell, Jessica, Laura, Lisa, Olivia, Aaliyah  and Brooklyn be. I reached for my phone questioning whether I should ask, but something told me just to wait. Literally, a fox was sitting on my computer desk across from me. “Uhhh, hi?” I said hoping for a response. “I guess I’m losing my mind. Curious to see this fox, I touched it, just to make sure it was real,but my hand with straight through it. “What are you doing!” It exclaimed, “I...I was just wondering if I was hearing or seeing things.” “I am very real young one, my name is Riku. My purpose is guide you on your path as a Kitsune.” “Kitsune? My mom said I was a vampire, elf, werewolf mix.” “She was right about the vampire and elf mix part, but your are indeed a Kitsune. You could possibly be the strongest Kitsune, the world has laid their eyes on. Or not, we shall see.” “So your not going to give me  any background information, at all?” “ Just know I am spiritually bound to you, and I shall do my job. Now formally introduce yourself, as a myth.” “uhh, I’m Tracement D. Fables, but you can call me Trace or Trace  D, and according to you I am a Kitsune, vampire, elf hybrid.” “Ahh, Tracement...what a peculiar name. As we become better acquainted, I will inform you on your myth, and myths.” “I see.” as time progressed, we went on talking for hours till I passed out.

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