E04: Where Do We Start Looking?

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"We can't rule out the possibility that Tzuyu was actually killed that night. That someone might've pushed her off the bridge," Sheriff Choi said to Tzuyu's father who looked fazed by the sudden revelation that the cause of his daughter death was actually murder. "The text messages on her phone showed that she's been texting a certain person to meet up with her on the Border bridge. And at around ten in the evening, her phone had records of phone calls from the same number. If we could just trace that person, he might have an idea to what happened to your daughter, Mr. Chou."

I was right. Tzuyu wouldn't kill herself. She's not that type of person. But who? Who the hell would kill someone as innocent and kind as her?

"Right now, we've hypothesized that when she met up with that certain person, they might've fallen into an argument which lead the suspected person to push Tzuyu off the bridge," he continued.

My forehead creased.

"Uncle Top," I said as we entered the room. He looked up at us as well as Mr. and Mrs. Chou. "What's going on?"

Caught a little off guard, Sheriff Choi turned towards me and sighed. "Lis, it's better if you let us finish here first before we give you guys the final verdict."

"But uncle—"

"Please, Lis. Be patient. We'll get through this, I promise," he said then turned towards Yoongi. "You guys can wait in my office for the time being. Just don't touch anything important."

"Yes dad."

Yoongi and the rest of us had no choice but to obey the sheriff's orders. But I've heard enough to make me start making my own hypothesis.

Tzuyu was about to meet someone at the Border bridge. But who? Who was she supposed to meet before she came to the party?

"Come to think of it..." Jimin suddenly started. All eyes were on him now. "Didn't Tzuyu say she had a prior engagement? When you asked her about the party? She said she'd come but wouldn't be able to stay long."

"Did she come to your party?" Jungkook then asked making me shake my head no. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I confirmed. "I actually waited for her that night. But she never came."

"The Border bridge... why of all places?" Taehyung was rubbing his chin with his index finger. "It's pretty far from the woods and a good one-hour ride from the Northside. Why bother going there?"

"Not unless you're running away..." Yoongi suggested. "In her diary, Lis, didn't she mention something about ending it? What if by saying she wants to end it, it meant she wanted to go away? Leave town or something?"

"But wouldn't she need a car to do that?" Jimin asked. "The next town's like a mile away from there."

"Maybe that's why she met up with someone?" Jungkook turned towards me. "I dunno guys. I think this is starting to get really complicated."

I didn't respond. I kept recalling what I've read in her diary.

"Should I just end everything? It would hurt less if it stops, right?"

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