Chapter Six: Closer Than Ever?

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"The next day, your mother felt so guilty, that she was on her way to tell your dad what had happened, hoping that he would still love her." "NO! THAT CAN NOT BE MY MOTHER! THIS IS A LIE!!" "When she got to his apartment, she was sitting in the car, preparing herself for the worst, when she got a text, that said if she told your dad what happened with Scott, she..." "SPIT IT OUT RAFAEL!" "She would be dead." I was preparing myself to start crying, the tears couldn't come out. " dad isn't my dad...?" "No, he's not. Your mother told him that you were his child." My blood was boiling at this point." "Is there anything else that I should know?" He went to his dresser and pulled out journals that looked exactly like the ones that my mom used to write in. "This is the journal your mother kept the year you were born. There are three more from when she was in high school, you need to read those first." He handed them to me and kissed my forehead. "I'll leave you alone for a little bit. I'll be in the next room over if you need me." "Actually, I want to sit on the bench in the closet, can you just stay in here?" "Of course." He smiled and I walked into the closet and closed the door. I sat down not sure if I wanted to open them. But I finally got myself together and opened the first journal.

August 19

Today was the day Michael and I finally celebrated our 2 years. We are about to start Junior year of high school. It's been a rough few weeks. Michael's friend Scott is still as annoying as ever. Braielen has been kind of distant lately and I just wish that she would talk to me. We have been through so much together. More than anyone our age should have been through. I have left her a bunch of messages but she hasn't respond. I tried talking to Michael about how I felt about her ignoring me, and he was always distant and cold about it. They never really got along, so I don't think anything of it. I guess that's all for now.

September 22

I still haven't heard from Braielen, which I guess is because school just started. I've been really busy trying to start the year off strong, which is hard to do, when you have a hot boyfriend who distracts me by just looking at me. If I could put as much energy into my schoolwork as I do into spending time with Michael, I would be a straight A student. I love him so much, but he's so distracting. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a C/D type person, I get mostly B's but my family expects straight A's. But as soon as Michael came into my life, they could care less about the A's. They think that he is the best thing to ever happen to me. And I agree. He is and always will be the man of my dreams.

I have read through all of the journals up till the end of her senior year. Nothing really eventful happened. Her best friend finally talked to her a few months later into sophmore year. It turns out that she was pregnant and she was avoiding my mom because she was scared what my mom would think of her. My mom wasn't mad at all. She was one hundred percent supportive through the whole pregnancy. When her parents found out that she was pregnant, they kicked her out, and she lived at my moms house until she could get her own place. Things between my dad and Braielen were still tense. He told my mom that he did not want to come over if she was there. My mom was confused throughout the whole entire thing. It wasn't until I read the next sentence of one of the last journal entries of her senior year, did I feel like I couldn't breathe. Braielen is Rafael's mother and his father is...MY DAD!? 

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