Chapter Five: Horrifying Events & Denial

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Why would someone write that on the mirror?! "The cops are on their way. Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, just a little shaky. Did my dad come in and write this?" "Why would your dad write this?" "Because he was mad at me for leaving, and he was mad at you for taking me with you." "I don't think that this was your dad. This was probably a prank." "A prank?! This is not funny Rafael, someone has keys to your apartment and came in while we were both sleeping?!" "Wait. How could we both be asleep?" At that moment, it was like a lightbulb went off in both of our heads. "THE MEDICINE!" We both said at the same time. "Remember how I said I wasn't feeling good? Was I drugged?!" "I'm not sure. But I never got any of that medicine, how did I end up falling asleep and not hearing anything." "Someone at the hospital must have done this." I started crying. I was kind of scared. Actually no, that was a lie. "Rafael, I'm scared." He pulled me into a hug and held me. "I know. I know. Don't worry. Everything will be okay." Over the next few hours, I couldn't stop thinking about everything that has happened over the last 36 hours. Rafael talked to the police. They couldn't find any evidence of forced entry. Rafael ended up calling one of his bodyguard friends and flew him out to NYC to keep us safe, mainly me. It was about dinner time, before we talked about anything else. "What do you want for dinner?" "I'm in the mood for some pizza actually." "That sounds really good." "Wait, can we get it delivered? I don't want you going anywhere and leaving me here." "Don't worry. I'm one step ahead of you. Delivery it is." We then decided on a medium cheese pizza with sausage and pepperoni, garlic parmesan wings, and some cookies for dessert. We made some small talk until the doorbell rang and the pizza was here. I opened the door, and was shocked with what I found. "YOU?!?! As I stood in the doorway, across from me was the person that I never thought that I would see again. "Why are you here?! Leave!" I assume Rafael heard yelling so thats why he came running over to me. "Emma whats...What are you doing here?!" Let me give you some backstory. When my mom died, my dad couldn't stand to be in the house, so he left me with a babysitter. And I know what you are thinking, a babysitter isn't that bad. But he left me with her for a week, so he could go do whatever he wanted. Anyway, that week wasn't bad. She tried to talk with me and get me to do things, but I wouldn't budge. The day my dad came home, I ran into Rafael's arms. I didn't want him to with my dad but I knew that he had to. It was about midnight or so, and I wanted to get some food, so I was headed downstairs. As I walked past my dads room, I heard him talking to a woman. I wanted to hear more, so I opened the door just a little bit, and it was that moment, that I wanted to yell, scream and do anything I could to tell him how much I hate him. He was with my babysitter, telling her how much he liked her, and then he kissed her! I didn't stay much longer, mainly because I hated him for doing this to my mom. I didn't tell anyone what I saw after that, that was until my dad brought a woman home and told me that they were getting married. Isabelle. My babysitter. Flash back to now. "Isabelle! Why are you here!? And why are you holding my pizza!" Rafael put his arm around my back, obviously to calm me down. "Hello Emma. Rafael. Can I come in?" I looked over at him, and he nodded his head. "You can come in. But what do you want? Why are you here?" She sat the food on the kitchen counter, and looked at me with the most saddened look in her eyes. "Emma, there's something that you need to know." "Well whatever it is, I don't want to hear it." "Emma, please listen. Something bad has happened." I looked over at Rafael and looked back at Isabelle. "Okay, fine. What do you want?" "Your father...he..." I couldn't show emotion in front of her. "God Isabelle just spit it out!" "Your father is dead." I was speechless. "You're lying." "No Rafael I'm not. They found us...him...again." Rafael looked at me. "Oh sorry, its just the initial shock of finding out that one of my parents is dead has passed." "Emma...I'm..." "Why did you come here to tell me this?" "I just...I want you to be careful. I also wanted you to know that I really do care about you." "Yeah, I can tell. The way you married my dad right after my mom died, of cancer. In case you forgot." "No, I didn't forget. I just..." "Isabelle, its time for you to leave. Emma needs time to process this." "I understand. Will you please take care of her. They will find you." "Emma is and has been my only priority. I am her legal guardian after all." Isabelle looked shocked. It was like she didn't know it. "You're guardian?" "Yes, why?" "I'm sorry, I just didn't know that. Michael didn't tell me." "That's because he didn't know." I looked over at Rafael with a little concern in my eyes. He didn't turn away from Isabelle, but he knew that I was looking at him. He gave me a little smile, which I knew that everything's okay and that he would explain later. "Alright, well I should get going. I just thought that I would let you both know what was going on." She got up and left and I just sat there. Not sure of what to do or even say. I was snapped out of my thoughts to the smell of the pizza and chicken wings. "I forgot that we even ordered this." "I heated it up for you." "You didn't have to. I'm not that lemonade?" He couldn't help but smile. "Yep, pink lemonade the exact way you like it." "Rafael, you spoil me way too much." "It's my job." We both smiled. "Emma, about earlier." "You don't have to explain. I don't want to know." "But you need to know." I looked up at him and he had a look in his eyes that I have never seen before. "Rafael whats wrong?" "Part of the reason that this is all happening, is because of your parents." "My parents?" "Before your mom got pregnant, your dad had just proposed to your mom. They were both extremely happy. Your mom went out with her friends that night to celebrate the engagement. Your mom had a little too much to drink and ended up meeting this guy and having some more drinks." "Stop. I don't want to hear this." "No Emma, you need to know this. I know its hard, but please just listen." I nodded but I really didn't want to hear this. I couldn't." "The guy that she was with, was your fathers best friend in high school. She didn't have her ring on because she didn't want to lose it. For a moment, she forgot she was engaged to your father. And she slept with his best friend." There was a long pause before he started talking again. I hated hearing this. I was speechless. And I was angry.

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