Chapter Four: Drugged & Unconscious

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"You have an apartment here?!" "Yeah. I've had it for a while now." "This kind of apartment must cost a fortune!" "You could say that." "So, how many bedrooms?" "Oh, just one..." He looked kind of nervous saying that. But I grabbed his hand, letting him know that it's okay. As a joke I said, "Wanna take me back to your bedroom?" He couldn't help but smile and laugh. We gathered our things and we walked up the stairs in the apartment to his bedroom. I must have looked like an idiot with my mouth open, shocked about the room. It had long, tall windows overlooking the city, white walls, a massive king size bed, a walk in closet and more. This was the most amazing room I have ever seen in my entire life. "Wow." "Yeah I know. It might be a little too much." "No. No its amazing." I put all of my bags on the floor and sat on the bed. Again, I was shocked to what I found. "Is this...?" He chuckled. "Yeah, It's a water bed. Don't worry, theres a regular mattress to put on instead." "I don't think I want to leave this bed." "Haha well you can do anything you want while we are here." I didn't think that I could be this happy. "Hey Rafael?" "Yeah?" "Did you happen to pack any clothes for me? I didn't throw many clothes in my bag when we left." "Go in the closet, you'll find some things there." I didn't object mainly because I was tired and in a lot of pain. Physically. If I thought the walk in closet was big from the outside, I was wrong. It was like a second bedroom. One half of the closet was his clothes, and the other half had a bunch of clothes for me. I sat down in the middle of the room on the floor and just thought. He had all of these things for me, clothes, etc. I never even knew that he had this apartment. My mind started to go to the bad side of things, but I realized that he has been here my entire life, and he knew how devastated I was when my mom died. He probably just did this to make me happy. And plus, he was a body guard. He needed to know these kind of things to protect me, and my family (I guess) if something were to happen. "Hey, you okay?" "Yeah, just thinking." "It's late, why don't you take a shower and get ready for bed. We have a long day of doing absolutely nothing tomorrow." "Yeah." "Hey, smile." I smiled and decided to get up and get in the shower before I talked myself into taking the shower tomorrow. The hot shower water felt so good on my body. All the stress my body has had today, I definitely needed this. There was nothing more perfect and relaxing than taking a shower, putting on fresh PJ's and getting into a freshly made bed. When I walked into the bedroom, Rafael was sitting on the bed, playing xbox. "You're such a guy." I said snapping him out of his teenage day dream. "Actually, I have never seen you play xbox or doing anything like this." "Well, the majority of the time, you only saw the work side of me. There really was no time for you to see the nerd side of me." I smiled. "I think I like you better as a nerd than a bodyguard." He smiled which prompted me to smile. Wow. I never noticed this, but we smile a lot. I decided to finally get into bed and try to sleep. "Do you want me to turn the TV off so you can sleep?" "No, it's okay." I rolled over onto my side and immediately winced in pain. "OW!" "Emma whats wrong?!" "My hurts." I said while holding my stomach. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" "I don't know. It really hurts!" "Maybe you have a broken rib. We need to go." He got up from the bed, walked over to my side and carried me down to the car. "Rafael, we don't need to make a big deal...OW...out of this." "You may have a broken rib, we need to get you checked out to make sure nothing else is wrong." It ended up being a longer drive to the hospital than normal because of traffic. But once we got there, he carried me inside and they immediately gave me a room. Rafael told the doctor everything that happened, minus the part where my dad hit me because he found out I was in love with my bodyguard. And he was right, I had a broken rib. He wanted me to be here for another day, but I told him that I would be okay, and the doctor agreed. He let his guard down and agreed to let me go home. But only on bed rest. Man he was stubborn. The doctor gave me a painkiller and sent me home. On the way home, I was feeling very, weird. I can't explain. "R-rafael?" "Emma, whats wrong?" "I don't feel too good." "It's probably just the medicine. It was kind of strong." "I think that I should go to bed." "I agree. Here, let me help you upstairs." He pulled me out of the car, into his arms and carried me up to our floor. By the time he got inside the apartment, I was already asleep. He laid me down and laid down next to me, and I rolled over so I was cuddling up to him. He gladly held me and we both fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up with a splitting headache and my ribs still hurting. But to my surprise, Rafael was asleep next to me. He's usually the one to be awake first. I checked my phone, 11:26am. I figured I should just get up now before I end up falling back asleep and wake up around dinner time. "Hey," he said groggy. "Hey." I said as I got out of bed heading to the bathroom. "You aren't supposed to be out of bed." "I can't go to the bathroom?" "If you must." He laughed. "AHHH!" Rafael came running in, about to ask whats wrong, but he didn't have to. "Rafael...when did this happen?" "I don't know...I was asleep since we got home from the hospital." "You mean somebody was in here and wrote this?!" He went back into the bedroom and quickly came back on the phone. "Who are you calling?" "911." I couldn't believe what just happened.


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