Chapter 2

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Your vision suddenly went dark and your ears were pierced with screams all around you, multiple voices yelling at each other, tormenting and poisoning your spirit with a malicious energy. You began struggling to remain calm under the circumstances, what and why was everyone panicking!?

All light from the three bonfires vanished within a matter of seconds, with no rain and no wind there was no possible answer you could give that would explain how quickly they went out. The rustle of people around you made it uneasy for your eyes to focus and see what was happening.

Your mind automatically thought of your sister and her safety, unconsciously you started screaming out her name just like the other people yelling around you.

As you searched the area surrounding you, you had completely forgot about leaving Xiasu and mentally cursed as you realised you'd have to find her again. The once bright light reflecting off the moon had dimmed down, adding on to your struggles to find your sister. The people around you screamed and huddled against their own family members whilst trying to locate the others.

Children were wailing from directions everywhere, girls dressed in gorgeous outfits were stained by their pretty tears. The men there were undoubtedly the most active in their searches, out of the corner of your eye you could see many people still running around.

At last by dodging the crown everywhere you recognised one of Zhanelles friends; Idamai. You reached for her hand to get her attention and she froze, starting to tear up when she realised it was you. "Where's my sister!?" You questioned jittering.

"I-I don't know!" Idamai held onto you, "She went away to dance with Seirano! I-I haven't seen her since!.."

Your heartbeat tripled by its normal rate as the one hope you had diminished. You had to act fast, you prayed that your parents had found her as well and that they were all together safely. "Alright Ida, I need to search for her. Will you come with me?"

Idamai didn't waste a second before nodding eagerly. "Yes, of course! I'll try my best to help."

With Idamai on one arm, you began the search for your sister again. Her face was stricken by fear and confusion. You so desperately wanted to soothe and console her to make sure she was alright but every second not focused on your sister was a second wasted.

A loud screech rippled through the crowd in an agonising manner. The people of the evening, including you fell to your ears trying to cover the high-pitched squeals. The sound of the voice spiked through you like lightning, causing a great deal of pain to swell inside your ears.

You looked up hesitantly to see where this scream was originating from. And within seconds, you wish you could've taken it back. The moon was hanging brightly in the sky, it's shine seemingly have returned. The beams of light descending it focused on a tall dark man standing atop a wooden pole, looking over the crowd.

Your eyes made contact with an overwhelming alluring red which sent shivers of fear and excitement down your spine. The creatures eyes refused to blink and they whispered a message only you could heard, "...Come to me..."

The man standing tall had his back facing the moonlight, making it difficult to distinguish his facial features. The seduction you felt radiating from his eyes was the most tempting feeling you've ever known. Your heart leapt at the sight of him, but your brain was wrenching at you to find your sister. Those sights of red wouldn't be any help of finding Zhanelle, so you must stick to this plan.

A gush of regret and mourning washed over you as you tore your eyes away from his, which you knew was wrong. Idamai was stilled wrapped around your arm and you knew better than to give up on your sister. But the image of pure red was unable to escape your consciousness.

Subconsciously, you looked back at the wooden pole the man was stood on. Which to your surprise, he had vanished. It took you a moment to register how and where he had gone, and if the unsightly scene that was his eyes were real. "Y/N! Look! There's Zhannie!"

Your eyes widened immediately at the sound of her name and you followed the direction of where Idamai was pointing obediently. "Zhanelle!!"

"Zhanelle!" You screamed again, at last gaining your sister attention. Her breathing visibly stopped and she froze for a second before running up to you. Tears of salty warmth raced down her cheeks as she threw her arms around you. She was safe at last. "I've been looking everywhere for you..."

"I was okay," Zhanelle panted. Her hair that was in a loose updo had fallen down into loose curls, still making a spectacle of her pretty face. "I was helping Seirano find his younger brother."

"I see," You patted her head as she cuddled you closely. "As long as you are safe. I'm glad."

She calmed down progressively and began making small talk with Idamai again. They were good friends and you were glad you found them in this mess of a night. "I'm going to have a few words with the king about this." You laugh, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Give him a right smack." Ida agreed, holding Zhanelles hand to ease her worries. "I still don't understand how all three bonfires went out at the same time thought..."

"I know, me neither." Zhanelle agreed, giving Idamais hand a light squeeze. "Nothing is making sense tonight, I just want to go home."

"Where did our parents want to meet up again?" You asked Zhanelle, cursing at yourself again for forgetting. Not only that but you still had to find Xiasu.

"The tree right at the start." Zhanelle replied, nodding her head as if to reaffirm herself.

"Right, we should probably head there now then." You guessed, hoping your parents were thinking along the same lines as you were. Just as you were turning to leave with the two girls, two men and a young boy ran up to you.

"Zhanelle! Thank goodness you're safe," A light-eyes male said, you recognised him as Seirano. You haven't met him a handful of times but you knew he was quite fond of your sister. "I went crazy after I realised you weren't with us."

"Aww, thanks for worrying." Zhanelle started, staring deeply into his eyes. "But I'm safe now, I can assure you. Y/N found me."

"Ahh, good to see you Y/N!" Seirano smiled, holding what you assumed to be his younger brother bahind him. "What a crazy night it's been, huh?"

"Absolutely! The craziest night I've ever had." You nodded in agreement. You then glanced at the other man beside him. He also had light blue eyes and black hair that dropped just below his shoulders. "Who's the gentleman beside you?"

"Oh, him?" Seirano smirked, nudging the man with his shoulder. "C'mon man, introduce yourself."

The man breathed in slowly. A small smile forming as he began to move his lips. The hint of baby blue seeped into your mind, setting it ablaze with attraction. "I'm Marsious. Pleasure to meet you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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