Chapter 1

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"Mother!" You called from the bathroom, you went to brush and style your hair however when you went up you noticed your hairbrush was missing. "Did you move my brush?"

"I'm using it!" Zhanelle, your younger sister yelled, two doors down from you, "I won't take long! I promise!"

"Ughhh..." You sighed and ran quickly to your room, picking up a few kirbies and hair bobbles. Tonight was the 1000th anniversary of being free from slavery and enforcement, there was to be a gigantic celebration at the town square where there would be bonfires, food, dancing and alcohol; also a lot of other activities but the ruler of the land decided to keep it a secret.

"There, I'm done!" Zhanelle ran to you, passing you the brush in her hand. Her hair was put into a loose updo with many plaits and flowers, she looked lovely. You already knew what you were planning to with your hair, it wouldn't take long but you're sure it would look great once you were done.

Your town was rather large and you just knew everybody would be there, you had to be cautious of strangers though, don't trust them yet and you need to make sure your sister will stay out of trouble too. But the thrill of being out in the open with bonfires and lots of people delighted you.

The excitement of the rush and future events ran through your mind, making you feel giddy. Your neighbours (best friend: Xiasu and her parents) were already outside, waiting for you.
"Hold on a sec!" You yell to them, checking yourself in a mirror, assuring everything is where it should be. Yep, everything's good, tonight will be great!

Xiasu was excited to see you, her heterochromian eyes sparkling against the dimming sun behind you. She was a few years younger than you were and you two grew up to become very close, almost sister-like. She was a bright, vibrant girl, the type that could put a smile on your face by just thinking about her, she moved next door to a couple of years ago and you've been friends ever since. Her and Zhanelle were roughly the same age, if not a few months apart and are great friends.
"I can't wait to see the food!"

"Me neither! We're bringing haggis, black pudding and Victoria sponge cake!" Zhanelle chatted to Xiasu. As it was a country celebration, the villagers are in charge of providing for themselves and others which wouldn't be a problem as we all got along very well.
"Wow! I bet it'll taste delicious, my mother is bringing steaks and other meats as well."

I walked a few feet behind the two carrying the haggis we had prepared for the long tables and stalls, my mother and father were chatting away happily with Xiasu's parents which gave you a moment to breathe in and appreciate the night ahead of you.

"You will dance with me later, won't you, Y/N?" Xiasu asks, batting her absurdly long eyelashes.
"Of cousin Xia." You smile, nodding to her. It's a group festival so you want to have as much fun as you possibly could before it's over.
"Don't you be getting to drunk Y/N!" Your father laughs, "That's my job."
You could see your mother elbow him slightly and him giggling away to himself, what a funny family.

"Look at this place!" Zhanelle loudly gasps, covering her mouth with one hand, the place was truly stunning. There was lines of ribbons connected to the tops of the trees that surrounded the area, a total of 3 bonfires in the shape of a 'V', tables lined up with food at both sides of the bonfires, chairs and benches for people to sit in, many people playing instrument from everywhere and of course, the greatest sight of all, a clear sky displaying a full moon and thousands of stars. The surreal atmosphere of it all seemed too good to be true and you were stunned in silence for a few seconds.
"Right, everyone meet here at midnight, alright?" My father instructed strictly, "We can discuss if you want to stay longer when the time comes. Until then, off you go!" 

"I-I'm a little nervous.." Zhanelle held onto your arm, "I've never seen so many people in one place before."
"That's understandable Zhannie, I get why you feel anxious but don't worry, I'll be here." You comforted her and gave her a tight hug. "Every hour I will move from one bonfire to the other got it?"
"You rotate from each one every hour?" Zhanelle asks, confirming your intentions.
"Exactly like that! So you needn't worry, I'll be at this one for the remaining hour and then at the next hour, I will move to that one." You pointed at the other bonfire.
"You have loads of friends here Zhannie, and you know that we're all going to be meeting up at the tree at midnight, don't you?"
"Well, yes. Thank you Y/N, I was feeling worried but I know that if I'm with my friends and you, I'll be fine."
"Of course! Always think positively. Now go talk to your friends, show off your pretty hair, meet some cute folk and introduce me! I'll be hanging around here." You kissed Zhanelle's forehead to ease her worries.
"Alright! I see Idamai and Avaneh over there anyway, see you later Y/N!" Zhannie smiled then ran off to see her friends, you were about to turn and eat when you felt someone else holding your hand.

"You promised to dance with me." Xiasu stated softly, taking your left hand into both of her hands.
"And dance with you, I shall." You giggled, slightly pulling your hand back. Xiasu's features became very prominent in the firelight and you could see the soft curves of her face. As much as you were looking forward to eating, there was nothing that caught your eye, so you decided to leave it for later. 

You pulled Xiasu close to you which made her blush and smile drowsily. The music in the background was slow and moderately loud but for some reason you could hear Xiasu's heartbeat louder. Until now, you had never realised how much she'd become a woman, her elegant mannerisms and mature attitude were never really something you'd taken the time to think about.

"I've never really been a fan of slow songs" Xia sang slightly, putting her arms around your neck and pressing her large chest against you in a suggestive manner.
"Yes, I can seem to recall you singing upbeat songs when your helping doing housework." You nervously shrugged, trying not to focus on her.
"That's not to say I'm not enjoying this type music." She placed  her head on your shoulder an whispered in your ear.
"I-I'm glad you enjoy it." You vaguely stammered, it wasn't like her to be this forward with you and you felt slightly intimidated by her boldness.
You could still feel her breasts bounce against yours with every step in the dance, but one of her arms had moved from your shoulder and curled around your waist.

"Y/N.." Xiasu called to you, her delicate hands removed some of the hair from your face and cupped your cheek, looking deeply into your eyes. You could your reflection within her blue-green eyes and the flames of the bonfire illuminating her jet black hair. Suddenly, you felt lost for words, your heart pounded in your chest and you could feel your breathing stop in anticipation.

Graceful fingers glided across your lips and you felt you body tense up. Her hands felt soft against your face and you worried she might be able to feel your pulse in your face. You were sure your face was pinker than it was before.

You had to wonder if she planned all of this? Or whither she was unintentionally seducing you? Your mind went hazy and it felt like a cloud had covered you. You couldn't feel any ground beneath your feet as all your attention was on Xiasu.

You noticed her lips coming closer and in a brief panic, you closed your eyes, unsure of what else to do.

 Your heartbeat was louder than it ever had been before.

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