Gajevy- a flower for thought

Start from the beginning

"NATSU! GRAY! Get back here!" A very angry voice yelled, and shivers crawled down Levy's spine, she knew that voice. It belonged to none other than the Fairy Queen, Erza Scarlet. What did the boys do this time?

"Shit shit shit!" Natsu came in view over the hill, scared out of his wits. Levy heard Gray scream, then it was suddenly cut off. He'd been caught. If anything that made Natsu run faster, repeating his mantra of; shit shit shit.

Gajeel sat up, annoyed at the interruption. "Piss off, Salamander."

Natsu didn't listen, plowing through the clearing and Levy yelped as he stomped through the patch of daisies then started climbing up a nearby tree.

"NATSU!" Erza appeared over the hill, dragging Gray behind her. He had a very large bump on his head and a black eye. Gray saw them and muttered a weak, help.

But nothing could help him now. Levy certainly wasn't gonna put herself in a situation where Erza's rage could be turned. She just gave him a sympathetic smile, sorry. Gray turned pleading swollen eyes on Gajeel who just snorted and shook his head, no way in hell frosty.

"Have you seen Natsu?" Erza asked them, eyes scanning the countryside, but she didn't think to look up. Levy risked a peek up at Natsu who was signing cut throats motions, eyes begging them to keep quiet. Levy made a zip lip gesture, even miming throwing away the key. Natsu put his palms together, praying his thanks.

Gajeel put his hands behind his head and flopped back down in the green grasses. "Why should I care where Salamander is?"

"Well..." Erza looked around again, searching for her prey. Levy held her breath counting the seconds. "...if you see him let me know."

Then a spring updraft blew through, stirring up pollen and rustling leaves. Pollen like that... in a dragonslayers nose.


Uh oh.

"ACHOO!" The sneeze shook the tree, leaves raining down.

Erza's head snapped up, spotting him as he rubbed his snotty nose with his sleeve. Looks like the jig is up. "Natsu." She growled.

"Eep." Natsu squeaked, and hugged the tree trunk.

"Ha, loser!" Gajeel laughed, a jeering finger pointed up at Natsu, the 'loser'.

Natsu scowled. "Says the guy with flower braids  in his hair."

"I'm not the one up a tree."

Natsu stuck his tongue out at him.

Gajeel turned to Erza, his arm transforming into an iron blade. "Want me to cut down the tree?"

"No!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Yes," Erza countered, glaring daggers at Natsu. "that would be much appreciated, thank you Gajeel." Then after a beat she added, "and I think your hair looks beautiful."

"Gihi, let's get to chopping." The spikes on his sword started to spin around, like the treads on a chainsaw. Erza took out her own weapon, a gleaming one handed axe, deadly sharp. Levy shivered, 'Rest in peace, Natsu'.

Natsu looked like he was gonna be sick, his face turning green. "Fuck you!" He yelled, whether it was directed at Gajeel or Erza (or both) was a mystery. He then took the smart decision and jumped out of the tree, rolling onto his feet, and started running.

Erza cursed, and started charging after him, poor Gray still caught in her grip, whimpering. "Running will only prolong your suffering!"

Gajeel huffed, his arm turning from metal back into tanned skin. "Wimp."

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