"Should we track it?" Rogue asked. "Try and head it off maybe?"

"Not until we know what we're dealing with." He sounded adamant.

"But the X-men could be tracking it too!"

"And they might not be. None of these so called sightings mention anything about metal claws, phasing girls, red lasers or ice slides. If they X-Men are following it, they don't seem to be doing a lot to stop it."

Rogue sighed. "I just wish I had some answers."

"I know, chère." he put an arm around her shoulder. "Tell you what, let's get out for a couple of hours."

"I don't-"

"I got a studio two blocks over where I train. We're both a little out of shape from lack of routine."

"What about Sarah?"

"Tante takes care of her until 5."

Rogue checked her watch, that would give them over an hour and to be honest, she needed to work off some energy. Plus he was right and she was badly out of shape.

Remy's studio was an old dance studio. One third was given over to equipment, such as weight machines and treadmills, the other two thirds had been carpeted with protective matting and was presumably for martial arts practice. Dotted around the walls were also unusual things, thin shelves far too high to be useful, a ladder had been mounted at a 45 degree angle between one wall and the ceiling. Another wall seemed to be for rock climbing, thought the hand and toe holds looked very small.

Rogue was wearing one of the T-shirts that Remy had brought for her to hike in and a borrowed pair of his sweat pants. The waist thankfully had a drawstring but the legs had to be held up with pins.

Remy played some rock music and they both got started, working up a sweat in no time. Remy worked the machines for about half the time. Then he moved out onto the open floor to practice martial arts. She also realised what the odd pieces of equipment were for, which was basically for him to use as he jumped, flipped and climbed around the room.

She found that the rest of her workout flew by as he watched him. He was so lithe and graceful that it was almost like watching a dancer. He reminded her of a big cat that looked bored and almost harmless as it lay under a shady tree, only moments later to be jumping into action, full of power and energy.

She thought that he probably realised that she was watching but she was too mesmerised to care. To her surprise and relief, he didn't say anything when he was done, only grabbed a towel to wipe his sweat away with.

"There's still a girls changing room but I have no idea if the shower in there still works," he said. "You're welcome to share with me if not."

Rogue's typical knee-jerk reaction of insulting him didn't come, and instead she found herself smirking at his gall. Did he ever stop?

"Yeah, thanks but I don't really feel like hauling your unconscious ass all the way back to the apartment and making Sarah cry."

Remy smiled and let it go.

Thankfully the shower in the girls changing room did still work, though she let the water run for a while before getting under it since she had no idea how long it had been sitting in the pipes.

When she heard the door open, she thought that Remy was about to get up to his old tricks, push her too far thanks to his earlier success. Instead only an arm poked through and she saw something fly past the shower curtain.

"Forgot to get you a towel," he said. "Just call if you need anything else."

The door closed again and Rogue let out a sigh of relief. Or was it disappointment? Well, either way it didn't matter because while Remy could climb into the shower with her, he would most certainly have to be carried out of it.

Rescue me (X-Men: Evolution - ROMY)Where stories live. Discover now