Chapter 1).

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Songs for this chapter:

Drop In the Ocean - Ron Pope.

Not about Angels - Birdy.

I know - Tom Odell.

Heartbeat - Childish Gambino.

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Everyday I would stare at him. He was beautiful, the chisled features down the side of his face, you could cut your finger on his jawline; you'd get lost in his blue eyes. He was the captain of the football team, he always looked so vibrant. No one could tell he wasn't happy until yesterday, the day he took his life.

His name was Edward. Edward Forbes. He was my neighbour and my mother's bestfriend son. When we got the news, I felt sharp pricks at the back of my eyes, like their was a minature monster in the back of my eyes stabbing me with a small prick, causing me to cry like the rain fell that morning. No one saw it coming, I mean how could you. Edward was the nicest person you would ever meet, normally in stories the popular captain in the football team would be a nasty bastard but not Edward, he was special - he was an angel.

They said he hung himself. But there is just a feeling in my stomach that there is much more to it than that. I knew Edward and he wouldnt hang himself. I mean we weren't close like bestfriends but we were close like siblings. It was hard to explain but Edward wouldn't commit suicide, I know he wouldn't. 

As I walked down the school corridors, everyone was reticent, like they all just lost their own brother. In a way they all had, everyone loved Edward. The corridors which were once tight and busy corridor that made me feel as if I was in a sardine can. The walls closing in around me as I would get bumped around were now barely illuminated and had a couple of dim lights that reflected off of the freshly waxed tiles. It was strange to see a place that usually contained so much energy was now like a abandoned asylum.

My books were pressed deeply into my chest as I walked into the classroom. Everyone in the room looked like the living dead, I guess no one had gotten sleep yesterday - which isn't a suprise. As the lesson began, my grey eyes started to wander over to Edwards place, which was empty, I just wanted him to walk into the classroom with the giant smile of his and sit down, grabbing his books out of his bag... but that wasn't going to happen. 

I remember the time when he noticed my grey eyes. It was a couple days after my fathers funeral and Mary, Edwards mother invited my mother and I over for tea. We were watching television and I could feel him watching me, my eyes diverted from the televsion to his face. We stared at each other for a couple of minutes and then he spoke, "Your eyes are as deep as dark pearls, like beneath a steel grey sea, they use to be those explosive eyes, like blue supernovas: unkempt bands of radiance consuming all they touch." And at that moment, I knew that he was special. He wasn't like other people.

The funeral was this sunday which is four days from now. The door at the front of the classroom opened, every living soul in the rooms heads lifted up, as we all stared at the teenage boy who was standing there. He was brunette, with brown eyes. He walked to our teacher, Mr Snow and gave him a letter, "Hello, James, take a seat over there" Mr Snow pointed over to Edwards seat. I stood, "No he can't sit there" I shouted, I looked around the classroom nervously, "Harley, Edwards gone" he spoke softly to me, I slowly sat back down into my seat in embarrassment. Their were sorrow looks being passed to me as I placed my head on the table. 

I felt like someone was burning holes into my head, I slowly looked up and the boy sat in Edwards old seat was staring at me, my head just started to slowly go back to it's original place. Waiting for the day to end.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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