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Logan and I immediately looked at each other when we heard this unfamiliar voice, it is apparent that the best course of action was to do as we were told, at least it's a sign we are taking the Headmaster's 'advice' at heart I suppose.
So we both done that, we both jumped up from our seats like most of the other 250-ish people in the cafeteria, however some of them, albeit a minority are confused and are wondering where the voice came from, then the voice crackled through the air again.
"Do I need to make myself clear? I want everyone to que up outside the doors!"

Now everyone got up and did what they were told to do, we both made two singular lines outside the doors of the cafeteria, Logan was in the same line as me. Actually he was just behind me.

People were whispering to other people's ears at the que, including  Logan, obviously for all the good reasons of course! This instructor? I'm presuming… might be a little strict and hard to get used too…

Then the voice came again, demanding something.
It was less harsher then before, but it holds some pregmatic-aggressive authority tone to its voice.
Then instructor can be seen at last, less people were whispering to each other now, Logan and I definitely dropped our actions, only a few were audacious enough to do that task. He slowly walked a loop around us while we stood still, examining the future pupils. This took a good few moments. I could feel Logan's feet relax, however when the instructor came near his feet shifted slightly in anxiousness and I was just not budging at all, lower the chances of the instructor pulling me out for whatever reason, like what he done to a few other pupils as he made his away around. At last he stood in front of the two rows. I can see his features clearly now.

The instructor wore a full camo suit, that included camouflaged trousers, camouflaged tactical-long sleeved shirt and he also is surprisingly wearing a camouflaged bucket boonie hat… his dog tag that includes his service number is also flailing around every time he moves.
The instructor has a rough looking face with a goatee beard and a scar that drives down under his eyes nearly to the edge of his lips. He screamed Old-School.

His shouts can be clearly heard by everyone here, definitely over the safety limit on the hearing of threshold for the people upfront.
"I will be your instructor and Quartermaster, you will do what I say and as I say it, I am Sergeant Major Carl Andrew" I wonder if many noticed how the now-instructor's voice wavered at 'will be'.

I noticed how our now-instructor has said his rank before he mentioned his name, definite sign of drills and protocols drilled into his head, I wonder if the same will happen to us? Probably will, but I'll see to that.

"Now, if you signed up to be a security member whether it be an Assault Trooper, a damn security guard or even a Protectorate, I hope to whatever God there is you know what you're getting yourself into. This will not be an easy ride for any one of you" --The instructor paused himself for a second and done a quick scan on everyone locking into their eyes-- "If you want to turn away from being part of the security branch of this sanctuary you may turn away now while you can, this will be your final notice".

I turned and glanced at a few people to see that they turned their heads to look at the surrounding members, wanting to see if there is anyone willing to walk away, I took a deep breath and calmly sighed. Nothing to be afraid of I'll make it through… right?

The instructor spoke again, his rough masculine voice that spoke very harshly, quite structured, seems very straight forward, vocal-wise anyways.
"Great, glad we understand each other. Once you set your hand on the plough there is no looking back. No time to look back. This will be one rigorous helluva ride". The instructor at least slightly tuned down his serious tone, however the main brunt of the tone unfortunately remains.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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