Chapter 2

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I woke up in my bed with my son laying ontop of me.
I can't believe i woke up before my alarm for once.
I glanced over.
"I turned it off. Did i forget to tell you last night? School is closed today. So i let you sleep in."
"Yes you forgot.. Although the idea is sweet, i have work. Like almost an hour ago."
"Oh sorry. Am i staying home alone?"
"I can't. You will just have to come with me today. Take a DS, Nintendo switch... Whatever you want. You can't speak to anyone you don't know and do not leave anyone, or my view at all. Alright?"
"Yes mummy. What should i wear? My suit or normal clothes?"
"I don't mind sweetie."


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You are adorable sweetheart."
"Are you going to wear the same outfit again?"
"what would i wear then?"

" "Are you going to wear the same outfit again?" "what would i wear then?"

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"This is not my style. I haven't worn this since i was about 17 or 18. Guess i haven't gained any weight... Alright lets go."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me along.
He even locked the door. He was too precious for this world.
I honestly wish, he never grows up.

He pulled my finger telling me i need to walk faster.
When we got their i apologised repeatedly for being late and my son went and sat in the staff room where the manager said he would be more than happy to watch him as he did paper work.
Their wasn't many... Or should i say any customers this early in the day but i said i would do a 12hr shift.

"What happened to your decent clothes from yesterday."
"I let my son choose my outfit."
"He seems like a good kid. Is he super strong?"
"No, he's actually really frail. He gets bruised and cuts really easily. He broke his wrist from throwing a little ping pong ball. The doctors said he will always be frail they cant do anything. So i don't allow him to be by himself."
"Im surprised you didn't live with your family."
"My mother kicked me out onto the streets when she found out. She told me to abort it or leave. So i left."
"Why? Wouldn't it have been easier if yoi had ab-"
"Shut the fuck up. Yes maybe it would of. But I'm glad i didn't! He brings meaning to my life and actually he allowed me to escape everything back in Tokyo. Being raped and pregnant, is probably the best god damn thing to have ever happened to me."
"Tsk- ye whatever you say."
"What wrong with the weakling? He doesn't like me already?"
"I wasn't at maximum strength. That's the only reason you won."
"Prove it then. 3 rounds on each arm."

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