Chapter 3

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Peter woke up to the smell of waffles.


He groggily woke up and walked into Ned's kitchen where his 2 best friends were chatting.

The second they saw him enter the room they stopped talking, and just started picking at their food.

"What?" Peter asked, were they keeping something from him?

"Oh nothing. Just uh... still getting used to the new look." MJ answered.

"Here, have some waffles. They have chocolate chips in them." Ned said, handing him a plate.

"Oh. Thanks Ned."

They sit down and start eating. Silently.

Why is this so awkward all of a sudden? Yesterday they acted perfectly normal...

Maybe MJ told Ned what happened? That they kissed? Yeah maybe that's it.

"Is this about last night, MJ I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No peter it's not about that. It's just that..." MJ drifts off.


"This morning I woke up, next to you of course, and I um... my hand was cold... and so I touched your arm to warm it up, but um..."


"When I took my hand off your arm, it was blue, your arm was blue? And so I showed Ned, and we're just really confused-"

"Oh." Peter finally says.

He clears his throat. "Y-yeah that's weird."

"You good? Cause I was thinking we should go to the library to see if we can find anything-"

"N-no Ned actually I think I better be going home about now... Mays going to be worried so um. Bye. Thanks though, for everything." Peter says, rushing out of Neds place before anyone could respond or react.

He heard shouts of protest behind him but he ran super speed out of his house and down the street.

What was happening to him???

His phone started buzzing in his pocket. He pulled it out.

He almost dropped it at the sight of who was calling.


He answered it.

"Hi Mr Stark, whatsup." He answered, trying to sound as causal as possible.

"Peter, hi, so remember that project we were working on with the with the lasers?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Um well I can't get the circuit to connect with the nano particles?? Which is weird cause I did it yesterday?"

"The electricity must have overpowered and wiped out the memory, you might have to go look at the old blueprints-"

"How about you just come over? I can't work on this without you anyway."

"Uhhh yeah sure Mr.Stark. I'll be there soon."

"Ok thanks Pete." Tony says and hangs up.

Dammit. Why'd he say yes?

Probably cause he can't pass a day with his favorite super hero. Probably.

Peter went in the direction of his apartment to change.

He unlocked the door and saw May was still sleeping in her bed.

It was only around 9 after all and she probably got home late last night.

Good, Peter thought, she won't see me like... this.

Peter changed into a green t shirt and jeans... he didn't know exactly why but he was in a... green mood.

Peter felt so weird...

He put a beanie over his hair in hopes Mr. Stark wouldn't see his sudden hair change.

And for the eyes... he'll say something like Ned bought him contacts for his birthday... that's believable right? Yeah.

He slid back on his leather jacket.

Peter stood in front of his mirror.

He looked so different... but he liked it.

Peter decidedly walked to the tower, just cause he didn't wanna but mr Stark about getting a ride, and he didn't want to be spiderman yet today, just in case he got caught up in something.

Peter finally got to the tower after was seemed a lifetime of walking, he walked in, greeted Friday of course, and continued his way to the lab.

He saw when he walked in that Tony was working intently.

"Hey Mr Stark!"

"I told you to stop calling me that you know'!" Tony called without looking at him.

"I know." Peter said grinning.

"So I think I got the circuit fixed- so I was thinking you could try on the new suit I made y-"

Tony turned and made eye contact with Peter.

"Kid you scared me, where'd you get the contacts."

"Oh uh from Ned. Yeah I uh really wanted some so he got me some. For my birthday."

"Your birthday? When was your birthday?"


"Kid why didn't you tell me? I woulda got you something you know."

"I know. That's why I didn't tell you." Peter admitted, smiling.

"Dammit well, try this on!" Tony tossed him an upgraded suit.

"This is awesome Mr Stark!" PeTer said, studying every detail.

"Yeah yeah, go try it on."


Peter stared at himself in the mirror of the bathroom, his new suit on.

Instead of blue, there was black. And the webbing detail looked so cool!!!

Peter could already feel and see all the improvements. He could move more swiftly, and it was much more comfortable.

A loud slam came from the lab. Peter could hear it. He rushed out of the bathroom, suit and all.

"Mr Stark what is it.... oh my god."

Mr stark ran to Peter.

They stared at the sudden burst of light in the middle of the room.

"What is that?!" Peter asked.

"I don't know..."

2 people emerged from the light source, it fading behind them.

"Point break?"

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