Chapter 2

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Peter knocked on the door to his best friends house, red eyed and black haired.

Ned to be honest barely recognized him when he opened the door. The leather jacket added a touch as well.

MJ came soon after, also taken aback by Peters appearance. FaceTime really doesn't show everything as clearly, huh?

Is his skin getting paler too??? Hm.

They started their research about everything,
like googling "why are my eyes red and my hair black suddenly"

You know, normal things.

After awhile of nothing. Ned asked Peter again, "You sure some evil super villain didn't zap you?"

"Yes Ned! I'm sure!" Peter says, obviously frustrated.

"Dude, calm down. Worst case scenario, the devils claiming you and you're going to be the prince of hell." MJ says.

She tosses him a Dr.Pepper, which he catches perfectly with his spider reflexes.

"Chill." She adds.

Peter sighs. "Yeah ok."

He goes to open his ice cold can of pop.


Peter stared at his fingers wide eyed.

They were blue.

Peter frantically dropped the soda and his fingers returned to there natural flesh color.

"Dude why'd you drop your Dr Pepper it could have exploded." Ned said.

"N-no reason sorry it must of slipped." He lied.

Why'd he lie? Who knows at this point honestly.

Peter continued to open his pop, carefully watching his fingers turn a brilliant shade of blue every time they touch the cold drink.

Peter starts more research, even more determined as before.

He sipped on his Dr Pepper as he did so. Mmmmm. So good...

The teens ended up falling asleep, thankfully they didn't have school the next day.

Peter fell asleep fast, and deep.

In his dream,

It was dark. He could hear frantic whispering but not what it was about or where it was from.

He looked around aimlessly.

"Hello?" He said quietly.

Another whisper. "Yes he is the red eyed boy. Yes that one. Yes."

Peter made out those words.

"What do you want?" Peter asked.

"Oh. He heard us... oh that's right... you did mention.... spider....go to earth.."

The whispering got quieter.

Peter rubbed his face.... with a fully blue hand.

"Agh!" Peter said in surprise.

What's going on?


Peter woke up sweating and panting.

He slowed his breathing and wiped at his forehead with his flesh colored hand.

"Hey loser are you ok? Nightmare?" MJ said from across the room.

"Oh. MJ. I thought you would be asleep. It's like-" he checked meds alarm clock. "2 am? Why are you up?" Peter asked trying to bring the attention off him.

"I was reading,"she gestured to the book in her lap. "What was your nightmare about?"

"I uh don't remember." Peter lies.

"Dude, why are you such a bad liar." MJ says in a bored tone.

Peter flushes a bit. "I am not." He tries to deny.

"Mhm and I hate reading— Peter what's wrong?" She asks, now sitting next to him.

"Nothing." Peter says gaining confidence of his lie.

Woah—— where did that come from? Confidence? Yeah we don't know her.

Peter was getting even more nervous by the second she got closer.

What if she found out? What would she do? What if she just thinks I'm a freak? What if she tells everyone? Shit shit shit-

"Peter wh-"

Peter panicked and grabbed MJs face, slamming it into his, igniting a full on make out session between the two.

They ended up cuddling through the night, Peter was happy but, what the hell just happened? I mean he liked MJ but he would never in a million years try to kiss her, he'd get knocked out most definitely.

But for some reason... it happened?

Peter knew that when MJ had a crush she would ignore it until it went away. So why was this any different? She literally pledged to never date a guy until she was done with college.

Did Peter do something? He swears he didn't...

But then again... a lot of strange things have been happening...

Peter hoped he hadn't somehow made her. He liked it a bit, he felt like he had to do it though... to distract her from the "nightmare".

But Peter shouldn't think that way right? That's not why he did it. Yeah. It's not.

But who were those people in his dreams? He swore one of them sounded familiar... but he couldn't really remember...

Go to earth?

Peter shrugged it off and fell back asleep, this time with no dreams.

Peter Parker. Red eyed boy....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora