Entry 6: Return to the Castle

Start from the beginning

My first day of school was... Wow. Writing it all out would be like going on an acid trip, so I'll just note the highlights. I bumped into a model status girl who shared an anime-esque moment with me, a cute blonde guy got us lost and we ended up missing out the first half of the school day which resulted in a run down with the poli-sausage who called the school and got our innocent asses in trouble. And then everything after that is normal. (I got an F on my first impression speech. I got too stupidly nervous.)

I hope Nanay had a good day. I'm really tired after everything that happened, so I won't be able to really pray tonight. But I ask that the holy father will continue to watch over me during this time and guide me to the right path. Amen.

> > >

With a yawn, Akira closed the journal, shortly stretching. The sound of a door closing quietly caught his attention, earning a nod of understanding.

After locking up in his pajamas, Akira plopped onto his bed with a heavy sigh, struggling to keep his eyes open when another yawn escaped him.

I'm so tired..., Akira groaned, hooking his phone up to the charger. Maybe it's because of all that weird stuff that's been happening to me... Well, whatever.

Lifting up his covers and curling up underneath them, he closed his eyes and quickly gave in to the seductive empress of the night.

> > >

Akira's eyes snapped open, the sound of rattling chains waking him. He groaned as he sat up, his back aching for some reason. The familiar pain... the black and white striped uniform... the rattling of chain...

Am I...? Akira pursed his lips as he looked over, instantly locking eyes with the platinum-blonde twins.

"...About time you've come to. On your feet, Inmate!" Caroline barked, smacking the cell bars. Akira groaned as he ran his hands through his hair.

Justine tilted her head slightly to the side, speaking with her same monotone voice, "Our master wishes to speak with you. It's for your own sake that you take his words to heart."

Akira massaged his face as he stood up, his hands making their way to the back of his head. Once he reached the cell door, the twins turned around to face their master, Igor; Akira resting his arm on the closest horizontal bar, his forearm and hands dangling outside the cell.

Igor grinned at the casual air wafting from his guest, immediately starting with, "First off, let us celebrate our reunion."

"I'll pass," Akira immediately replied. His eyes narrowed as he shifted his weight to his right leg. He had some theories and wanted some answers. "The things that happened to me today at the castle... That was part of my rehabilitation towards freedom, wasn't it?" Igor simply smiled, his eyebrows arched up with amusement.

"Well, your accusations aren't far from the truth... But first, allow me to see into your heart," Igor chuckled with amusement, stretching his hand out to Akira. Akira blinked in confusion before suddenly feeling a ripping sensation from the corner of his eyes; the sensation quickly forming to the front of his face. A pained scream escaped him as the sensation grew, the mask that formed on him back at the castle dripping blood as it floated towards Igor. Akira stepped away from the cell door, gripping his face with shuddered breaths as he patted the skin tenderly, making sure that it was still intact with his body. Once he was sure that his face wasn't actually ripped off, he looked up with watering eyes, just in time to see the bloody mask mutate into a tarot card; swiftly sliding between Igor's twitching fingers.

Igor's smile stretched even further at what the card read, his small pupils practically twinkling with amusement. With a tame, but still mused voice, chuckled, "Oh...? You've awakened to your powers. And special ones at that. Your rehabilitation can finally begin."

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