Entry 11: "Murderer"

49 1 10

> April 15

Akira blinked at Ann, who was standing in front of his desk. The two hadn't exchanged words, but she certainly greeted him—by extending his handkerchief out to him. It looked newly washed, the history completely gone from the fabric. The blonde didn't show any signs of aggression or whatnot. She was simply returning it to him.

Akira made a face, hearing the few students in their class whisper about the duo and the cloth. It was folded up into a neat square, the embroidered flag in full display. The boy quickly snatched it and pocketed it (after a quick graze of the stitching) before anyone else saw. Ann's eyes widened a bit in surprise by the quick gesture, but didn't question it and took her seat.

Class started soon after their interaction, with Ushimaru starting social studies by writing the lesson on the chalkboard. Akira was only listening a little, his mind drifting to the whispering volleyball members he overheard earlier on his way to school.

"I can't believe Suzui-senpai missed such an important meeting. I wonder what happened."

"Mr. Kamoshida asked to see her..."

"You know, I've been hearing rumors about how Mr. Kamoshida and Suzui-senpai stay late..."

"She always shows up to meetings though. It's weird she wasn't at the one yesterday..."

Akira sighed and rubbed his handkerchief in his pocket for comfort. He had a bad feeling since last night regarding the Suzui girl... He shook his head, turning his attention to Ushimaru. As distracted as he was, he had to at least pay attention at least a little and write it down.

"The National Diet is the legislative, the Cabinet is the executive, and the Supreme Court is judiciary," be began. He seemed to be talking about the government. "This division of power provides checks and balances, which ensures no single branch becomes too powerful."

Akira nodded and looked inside his desk to grab a pencil. His jaw nearly broke in surprise at what he saw.

"Have you made up your mind?" Morgana, who was stuffed rather comfortably, whispered. The boy was too shocked to say anything. "No matter how much thinking you do, there's only one option. You're better off just listening to me."

Remembering what occurred yesterday, Akira glared down at the feline, his eyes loudly screaming 'If you wanna live: DON'T. FUCKING. TALK.'

"Hm? Did I just hear a cat?" Ushimaru asked, turning around. Morgana stuffed his head inside the desk, making sure he wasn't seen. The class started to buzz with mixed reactions—some pet lovers rather excited to see if there was a cat in the room while others were confused.

Ushimaru became annoyed by his chattering students and waved a hand in the air. "Settle down! We're in the middle of an important lecture!"

The class obeyed, some students still glancing about to try and find the cat. As he turned back to the board, Akira phone vibrated in his pocket. Not wanting to get caught by the alert man, he carefully pulled it out and rested it in front of Morgana. For his eyes, he turned down the brightness of the screen.

Ryuji: Dude, what're we gonna do about Kamoshida?

Ryuji: Do we just go along with what that cat says? Ugh, damn furball...

He glanced up at the teacher, just in time to see him call on a student near the window to read a selection.

Akira: Can't really talk right now, dude. We'll talk about it later.

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