Page Eleven

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Quila was at the market, but Gopan could tell that Quila was distracted by something. She couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Lee kissed another girl, and about the fact that he was a fire bender. She had told her friend that he had kissed another girl, but she didn't mention what she saw him do. She wasn't sure what to do with that information yet. To say in the least, the past week had been rough for the young water bender. "Quila, are you sure you're okay to be working today? You've had a tough time recently, I don't want you to over exert yourself." Gopan said tenderly. "I'm fine. Don't worry so much about me." She absent-mindedly rotated a pot to better catch the sun. Gopan didn't look happy with her response, but he knew she wouldn't change her mind, and chose to drop the issue instead.

Then slips of paper started falling from the sky, Quila reached out and grabbed one, Gopan looking over her shoulder. Quila's eyes went wide when she read it. "The avatar is in Ba Sing Se!?"

"I thought I heard he was here!" Gopan said excitedly. "He's lost his flying bison and is looking for information on it! We have to go see them."

"What? We don't know anything about his bison?"

"No, but he's travelling with Sokka and Katara! They're from the South Pole!"

"So you know them?"

"I grew up with them! Katara and I were the only water benders in the whole Pole. I bet they've grown up so much since I left!"

"Well, I have to admit it's nice to see you so excited about something."

"I have to go show this to mom!" She folded the flyer eagerly and ran off back home, "Mind the store for me!" She called as she ran. As she ran off, she ran past someone that made his stomach drop. It was a woman, about the same age as his father in fancy upper ring garments, walking with a young boy and girl who looked about his age. His mother. She and the two teenagers walked by him without a care, not noticing Gopan staring at them until they were out of sight in the crowd.

Gopan didn't see Quila again until he arrived back home. She was waiting for him outside her home. "Gopan!"

"Yes? What is it?" She rushed over to him. "I want to go to the upper ring tonight." His eyes opened wide. "Are you out of your mind!? There's no way we won't be caught by the Dai Li if we go in there."

"Please? I haven't seen my friends in years, please!" She begged. "We need special passports to get in there. And, we don't have a tunnel to get in there. It's too risky."

"We can get a passport underground if we need to. We can find a way to get in there. Please, Gopan?" He thought for a moment and frowned. Then, an idea came to mind. "Fine. We'll meet in our usual spot and we'll discuss a plan. Okay?"

"Wait, really?"

"Do you want me to change my mind?"

"No! No. I'll see you tonight." She returned to her home, and Gopan to his.

He sat there, eating dinner with his father, until the nagging question came to mind. "Dad?"

"Yes, Gopan?"

"Do you ever think about Mom?" Gopan's eyes drifted up to his father as the older man paused. He sighed. "Sure, I do. But she's gone now, so no use dwelling on her." Gopan looked off to the side. He knew his father still had a picture of his mother in his bedroom.

That night Gopan and Quila were sneaking into the upper ring in a coach, and paid someone to show a false passport to get them in. They were in with no big problems, and made their way to the avatar's house, their black bandit uniforms in a bag they were carrying. They came up on the doorstep, and as Quila was about to knock, she hesitated. "I don't know if I can do this."

"Come on, Quila, do you want me to knock for you?"

"I don't know if I can see them. I left them to come here to Ba Sing Se, what if they're mad at me?"

"Don't be rediculous, they were your friends, I'm sure they'll be happy to see you." She still didn't knock. "Quila, we risked everything to come to the upper ring to see them. We're here. You can--" He was cut off when the door suddenly slid open and there were four people standing there in fighting stances. A dark skinned girl with blue eyes and long dark hair, then a boy that looked like her with a ponytail, a bald monk, and a pale, blind girl with black hair in earth kingdom clothing. "Katara?" Quila looked at the girl closest to the door. She and Sokka relaxed. "Quila? The girl replied, a light coming to her eyes. "Can we come in? We're not allowed to be here." They were both let in and Quila's stomach churned at how nice their home was.

She was attacked in a hug by both Sokka and Katara. "I've missed you both so much!"

"What are you doing here in Ba Sing Se?"

"I moved here with my mother after I left. I've been living in the lower ring ever since."

"Oh, let us introduce you!" Sokka said, excitedly. "This is our friend, Toph. And this is Aang!" Quila smiled and bowed respectfully to the young monk. "You must be the avatar, it's an honor to meet you." He smiled and bowed in return. "It's nice to meet you, too."

"This is my friend, Gopan. Gopan, these are my friends from the South Pole, Sokka and Katara."

"What are you guys doing here in Ba Sing Se?" Quila asked. "We have urgent news about the war to give to the Earth King, but we've been hitting some road blocks." It had been a long time since she'd heard the word "war" in Ba Sing Se. "Yes, we're not supposed to mention it here."

"So we've learned."

"Quila, we should be going. We don't want to be here too long." Gopan reminded her. "Right. It's so nice to see you all again. Good luck." She hugged Sokka and Katara again.

They left the nice house and put on their black bandit uniforms, being extra careful to find they house they were going to tonight. When they arrived, Quila held back Gopan's arm to keep him going in. "Gopan. We are not doing this house."

"Why not."

"You don't think I know who lives here? Remember our rules that YOU made. We won't rob anyone we know. And you know the people there." He was silent and didn't meet her eyes. "Gopan, you know better than this." She said, more gently. "Please, Quila." It wasn't often she heard him beg, but she was going to be firm. "Gopan, no. We're finding somewhere else." She was about to turn to leave. "She has a new family!" She paused and looked back over at him, her heart clenched when she saw tears welling in his deep green eyes. "She has a new family, Quila." He said, quieter this time. "I saw them in the marketplace. She has twins. Earth benders." He was quiet for another moment. "She left me when I was six, I've held out this long. But I can't bare to think that she has new kids."



"Let's do it."

"Thank you, Quila." She nodded and they both entered the house, being extra cautious.

They were on their way out, and just as Gopan was about to jump out the ground level window, someone stepped out in the hall. He instinctively readied a bow and arrow, but froze when he saw his mother's hazel eyes looking into his. He slowly lowed his weapon and they stared at each other a moment longer before he finished climbing out the window and ran away.

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